Scene 11: You are stuck in here with me

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Human's enjoy the cheap thrills of gambling. Another side effect of residing within a flesh body. Even though that adrenaline is useful to their survival they can also get very addicted to the rush it gives. Obviously, since my scientist's lives are so filled with mundane tasks all day long as collecting data, they can't help but find a way to increase the amount of excitement in their lives.

"Wake up little sunshines," Valentine gently slapped everyone in the face to wake them up.

"What the fuck," Maxim screamed.

"It is policy that everyone wake up at this time so I apologize for the rude awakening." Valentine looked at his nails.

"Fuck you and this places policies," Olga got up and sneered at Valentine as she passed him.

Abram and Natalia rubbed their eyes and groaned as they got out of bed.

A crowd of scientists came through the hall chattering about the demigod duels.

"What are demigod duels?" Abram asked.

"Demigod duels are how this lot of brainiacs get their kicks. You should watch kid," Valentine cracked his neck.

"Are you fighting in these duels too?" Olga asked.

"Well, I am the grand champion so the winner will fight me," Valentine said.

"Good, I can't wait to watch you get your ass kicked." Olga smiled.

"I sense so much hostility coming from you, oh what did I ever do to deserve that?" Valentine used his hand to cover his laughter.

Olga decided not to appease him anymore by getting frustrated. She knew he just wanted to get her riled up again. She walked out the door to follow the scientists, and the group followed her.

They came upon an arena, it's bleachers crowded by hundreds of scientists. The group came in and found a random place to sit together.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I am proud to give you all a brand new tournament of demigod duels! Now in this first match, we have Vadik! A Cannibal for the USSR! And Vadik is fighting The USSR Impure known as Vitality! Place your bets, everyone, because we are going to have an amazing first match here!" Valentine announced from a microphone.

"Wasn't that guy the one who ate that girl after Valentine mutilated her?" Abram whispered.

"Yeah, it looks like he is much more of a danger than we thought if he's a demigod," Maxim replied.

A man in long black hair overheard their conversation and glanced over to observe them.

"It looks like everyone who will place their bets already have, so let the duel begin!" Valentine screamed.

Vadik's face showed no emotion as he charged towards Vitality. As an Impure, his skin is heavily discolored and pale, with some green spots on his skin.  Vitality summoned a cold mist that froze all of the moisture in the air and caused it to fall down to the ground. When Vadik punched through the mist his entire arm froze within it and in contact with Vitality's face, it shattered.

Completely unphased by his arm shattering, Vadik backed away for a moment and his arm grew back in mere moments. Vitality sent the cold mist towards Vadik, and regardless of his experiences from last time he charged right through the mist, even though he froze the instant he moved inside the mist, he healed fast enough that he shattered away his old flesh and made a new movement forward. With each movement forward he had to make new heal a new limb and shed his old frozen limb to make a move before it froze again.

This continued until Vitality could not keep the mist up anymore, and when that happened Vadik kept attacking him with the same energy. His blows created sound waves but still not enough to be able to get any reaction from Vitality. Vadik then placed his hands over Vitality's ears and closed his eyes. Vitality's face fluctuated rapidly between looking wrinkled and looking young, and finally, he grabbed Vadik's arms and forced him away.

The combatants began throwing more punches at each other, but  Vadik avoided being hit and opted towards touching Vitality any time he could. Each time he touched Vitality for a moment he would shift between his old looking face and young. Vitality changed his tactics and feigned throwing a kick before he backed away from Vadik and clenched his fist in the air toward him. As he made this gesture Vadik froze in time. His feet floated in mid-air because he tried to jump away from the feigned kick.

After a few moments, Vitality's fist shook and then he fell unconscious onto the floor. Vadik landed on his feet and realized that he won when the crowd cheered, but his face remained expressionless

"Wow, that was actually pretty cool!" Abram said.

The man with the long black hair smiled at Abrams comment.

"And we have a winner! Vadik will go on to the next round! Now everyone place your bets on these two combatants!" Two women walked into the arena. "On this corner we have Nina! A Ghost for the USSR!" Nina shifted her hip to the side and rested her hands on her sides to pose. "And on the other side, we have Dominika! A Death walker for the USSR." Dominika walked in completely covered from head to toe with black bandages, and she wasted no time taking out her blades to be ready for battle. "Let the fight begin!"

They both charged at each other, but Dominika became invisible and Nina ignited in black flames. When Dominika attempted a strike a wave of energy that rippled through Nina's body. It is like Leaving ripples in water with a sword.  After a few moments of constant strikes, Dominika stopped and decided to become visible again. She sat down and meditated with her swords in hand. Nina lunged forward to make an attack, and the black flame left her fist she threw the punch with. Dominika timed it just right to be able to cut her fist as she dodged it, but the wound is only skin deep. Nina quickly covered her hand with the black flame again to protect it.

Dominika posed with her swords to show she is ready for an attack. Nina expanded the black flame from herself and it engulfed the entire arena. With the black flame touching everything now Nina created large representations of her hands to crush Dominika. Thanks to her agility Dominika managed to escape being smashed by a dark hand larger than she is. But more gigantic hands spawned within the black flames to crush her.

Eventually, the number of the hands became far too many to dodge even for Dominika. Two of the hands managed to work together to smash her like a human smashing a fly in mid-air with both hands. Dominika's body twinged from this impact but her focus and concentration did not waver. She used the hands that just smashed her as a launch pad to jump from towards Nina. She put her swords to Nina's neck and Nina lifted her hands up and let the black fire dissipate to show she surrendered.

"Wasn't that a great fight everyone! Oh but you guys have not seen anything yet." Valentine jumped off from his elevated announcement platform that towered over thirty-two feet tall and landed in the arena. "It is time that I get a challenge because all of you know that none of these combatants stand a chance single-handedly against me. That wouldn't make the betting fun now would it? No, I think that the next fight will be all four of this contests combatants against me. Make your bets now! Who will win?"Valentine raised his arms into the air.

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