Honesty is the Best Policy?

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The Headmistress's appearance couldn't have come at a better time. Once Skeeter left, I collapsed onto the couch, my head falling over the back of the wooden frame.

"I'm done. I'm done with that gnat for brains."

Draco comes and sits next to me, putting a glass in my hand. "Drink baby. I'm sorry she brought up that place. I should have stopped her earlier."

I don't even look at what he hands me, I just drink it in one gulp. It wasn't pumpkin juice to be sure, "It wasn't just that, it was also bringing up when we were on the run and I had to share the tent with Harry and Ron and all the times - good and bad - that I spent at the Burrow."

He tucks me under his arm and I lay my head on his chest listening to the rhythm of his heart, my eyelids getting heavy. "Do you want to go to bed baby?" I can tell he's smiling, as I shake my head.

"No I want to just stay here."

"I just don't want you to fall asleep out here, on me again."

"I'm not tired, at least not physically."

"What do you want to do baby?"

I open my eyes realizing that the drink - a firewhiskey - is empty. "Did I drink all this already?"

"Give it to me." As he kisses the top of my head before getting another one. "Do you know what the plan is for this weekend? What movie and what house is throwing the party?"

"I believe it's your weekend for the party and we probably should come up with a movie. I can get mum to owl me almost anything. Well if Blaise ever gives me the book back."

"He's read it twice already. I think he wants to keep it."

"It's not mine, it's borrowed. I can get him his own copy over the holidays. Now what is your house planning for Saturday?"

"I think it's an MFK Party."

I cock my head to the side, utterly bewildered. "A what?"

"Marry, Fuck, Kill party. Kinda like truth or dare. Alcohol, a bottle and you are given 3 names and you say who you'd marry, who you'd fuck, and who you'd kill."

"Give me an example."

"Okay" he thinks a moment. "Potter, Zabini and me"

"Hmmm kill Zabini so I can get my book back, ugh... fuck Harry because he's going to marry Ginny... and well that leaves you." I say blushing.

He hands me another drink taking his seat next to me and wrapping me up in his arms. "Is that he only reason?"

"Nah, you're rich too."

"Granger" he growls at me.

"What? It was a hard choice." I say teasing him. I don't even realize how fun just the two of us are. It's just a game, but it wouldn't be bad, would it?

"Fine, how about Flint, Goyle and Weasley?"

"Which Weasley... that matters. There's only 5 of them."


My jaw goes slack and luckily I swallowed before he said that.

"Alright then, ick... sorry but I don't think I could fuck any of them. I would kill - ugh - Goyle, because he is a waste of good skin. Fuck Flint I guess and marry Ginny."

"I would have loved to see you flip Flint and Weasley." He crosses his fingers saying this, as to show the implication, making me blush. Or was that from the drink?

Sleeping With Snakes ~ A Dramione FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now