After the Holidays

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Every day we continue with the box's questions. We still have the random ones dropped in by classmates, some of the younger years were attempting to get into it so I drew an age line. One though struck a nerve in both of us as it appeared on Friday morning: What happens after the holidays and you are made to return to your house dormitories?

I look at Draco, panicked. He looks calm, collected, prepared for any question that resides in the box; unlike me.

I read the question aloud watching the minutia of expressions his eyes give away. "Baby we will figure something out. We have before and we will again."

"But I am used to you being close, always, now. It feels weird when we aren't."

"I know." He leans over our private table, "I will miss waking up to you too." He sits upright, his voice booming through the hall "You'll be so far away up in that tower, my princess. And me, down in the dungeons. Whatever shall we do?"

I hide my eyes, shaking my head, what the bloody hell am I going to do with him? I know he did that specifically for Skeeter's entertainment, but did he really have to go that overboard?

"I mean we can't get into each other's dormitories," he continued exaggerating nearly every word. "We won't have our little table here anymore, but my house will welcome the mommy to be with open arms, won't you all." He glares over to them, receiving a resounding cheer for me. "Now I don't know about your house darling."

"Draco babe, you think that anyone will go against Harry and I? After saving everyone from Voldemort?"

"But the last thing that your Gryffindors would probably want is first, one of his supporters hanging around and second, a hormonal version of the Brightest Witch of the Age. Baby, you can be slightly intimidating."

Harry chips in, "Draco, she isn't intimidating. She's downright scary. Nightmarish. I'll face a dozen dementors before hormonal Hermione."

My eyes grow dangerously large and my teeth clench. I don't care if he is one of my best friends and the 'boy who lived', if he keeps this up he'll be deader than old Voldemort in less than a minute.

That really did sound scary now that I think about it. So I decide that he deserves a jam covered piece of toast in his face instead. Not too scary, right? A subtle flick of my wand and Harry's face is covered in orange marmalade.

"Now, Harry James Potter, you were saying," I cooly stare him down.

"Sorry, I think" he stutters, looking towards Draco for any sign of support. To which, he gets none. At least I know where Draco's loyalties lay - right next to me.

"But babe, we will find something that works for the two of us," he quietly calms my slightly frazzled nerves, and my mind slinks back to the portrait hanging in the room that I am supposed to return to.

"Harry, I've been meaning to ask you something..." I say with an evil glint in my eye.

"You can take that portrait back of Sirius any day." He knows me well enough to assume what I am going to ask. "I am surprised that Ginny has spoken to you at all this past week. I know the first time he - um."

"Let's just say Hermione Jean Granger, I am taking magical painting lessons," Ginny says with obvious anger still lacing her voice. "He asked for ear plugs, and bloody well he's getting some. And a good eye cover too. I don't need that man ever seeing me again in that state shall we say."

"Harry," Draco is holding back his impending laughter, "where exactly did my princess hang the portrait? All I knew was that it was somewhere that you could speak freely with him." Oh the depth of Draco's deception in that simple statement.

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