Saving and playing

413 13 1


I finally found out how to write this and this and this (to clarify: bolt, underlined and uh... this weird thing). To quote my reaction upon coping that into the note box and realizing that you CAN'T BLOODY SEE IT:
I'll probably have to check on about every chapter that I wrote and look if it still makes sense. Thanks, Archive of our own!
And thanks Wattpad to give me that option, FINALLY! After chapter 24 there might be some!
ALMOST FORGOT: Happy second Advent! (It's what we call this day in Germany, I sure hope it's the same in England...)
(The only relevant lyrics from above is actually from 1:00 - 1:15, but it fitted so nicely~)


Old Sport yawned, waking up inside his soft and cuddly pillows, trying to ignore the obnoxious beeping of his alarm. Maybe he would sleep five hours longer and just be more careless with his appearance, no one really cared after all.
Suddenly it was switch off, simply to be replaced by even more obnoxious laughter.
Groaning the Orange Guy rose from his bed, almost falling back in as the little ballerina jumped straight into his face.
"Morning to you too..." Even if he was a bit tired, he still felt warm inside. Stretching his arms he noticed a cup of tea by the side of his bed.
Oh, come on! That's just creepy.
"Dave...? Did you break into my home again?"
"It isn't breaking in when you do it to a friend!"
"Entering without-" He paused, remembering who he was talking to. "Just as it isn't stealing, as long as no one misses it? Or as it isn't murder as long as you weren't DIRECTLY involved?"
"That's the right attitude!"
"Small question, did Henry actually allow you to do this?"
"... No?"
"Have any idea WHY?"
Between laughing and sighing Old Sport sipped on his tea and joined his friend in the kitchen. "Were you here all night?"
"... Are you ready to go yet?!"
Smiling innocently, the Purple Guard laid down the newspaper he was reading. The main page caught Old Sport's attention, he wandered over and picked it up.
- The Jekyll Monster strikes again! Third body was found! -
Silently he skipped the article.
String of brutal murders won't subside... third victim found... as always the slit throat was most likely the cause of death, gruesome mutilation only post-mortem... motive or connection between victims yet to be determined...
"Dave? Was that you?"
Guilty the man crossed his arms. "It isn't my fault! They were contaminated!
"Maggots! EVERYWHERE! I can't risk you or anyone else getting infected! Henry agreed with me on that."
"I don't care about Henry's thoughts. If you get caught we have to leave again! I thought you liked it here?"
"I do... But I wouldn't like it anymore if I needed to fear being eating by worms in my sleep! Now, do you want to keep complain, or do you want to finally get ready!?"
"... Give me five minutes..." Quickly the man vanished into the bathroom, placing Minireena outside and watching here skip off into some other room. After exactly five minutes Dave was knocking on the door like a madman.
"ANYWHERE! EVERYWHERE!" The door was unlocked and the Purple Guy crashed in. "And even if we wanted to only go to Freddy's, I have the keys! We could set a trap for Phoney!"
The disapproving glance of the half-clothed Old Sport melted away at that proposal. "What kind of trap?"
"Actually I was thinking about an old classic... nothing too extreme, nothing too likely to get us shut down... the old magnet-trick!"
"Go on...?"
"Really, just a little fun. You know, Phoney's head isn't all that sturdy and made out of simple, light metal and that metal isn't immune to magnets. The magnets of course will disturb the electric field necessary for the impulses getting through, after all the capacitator-"
"Great, what does it do?!"
"Make thinking and moving pretty hard. Aka: Drunk Phoney."
"... I'm in."
"I knew you would like it! Let's get going, we have to prepare the magnet! We should get a few very small point-magnets, they shouldn't affect too much of his important parts!"

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