I wish

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So I've read a lot of One Direction fan fiction and I really wanted to write one. However, I wanted it to be different. So I've added some fantasy to mine. I say some, but there's actually quite a lot. I don't know if many people will read this but if you do and you like it please let me know and I will upload more. It's a Niall Horan romance, I really hope you like it. Comment, vote, fan???

InsaneWeirdo xoxo ;)


     You know that amazing feeling you get when you’re about to meet your biggest idols ever. When you’re so close, you can feel it. The best moment of your life is about to happen…then BAM! You die. That’s me. A dead fangirl. Officially. My idols being the greatest band ever, One Direction. I was finally going to one of their concerts, backstage passes and all. But fate had other plans…


     I fell out of bed, my head hitting the floor with a huge bang. I pulled myself to my feet clutching my head in pain.

"Mara?!" my mum called to me in panic.

"It’s ok. I’m fine!" I yelled to her. I glanced at the time then quickly hobbled to the shower. After showering I went back into my room and opened my closet. I tried on dozens of different outfits before finally settling for my blue ‘I <3 One Direction’ hoodie, a blue tank top and faded blue jeans. I got dressed then sat at my dressing table. I switched my curlers on then quickly dried my hair and brushed it. I curled my hair slightly so it wasn’t too curly but wasn’t too straight either, just perfect. I didn’t put any make up on. I hated it. I looked in the mirror. My light brown hair was perfectly wavy and my blue eyes were sparkling with excitement. I quickly shoved my mobile and some money in my pockets and ran downstairs.

"Good morning sweetie." My mum greeted me as I entered the kitchen.

"Morning mum…ooh, pancakes!" I grabbed three pancakes and put them on a plate before sitting at the table.

"Hey, save some for the rest of us!" she said as my dad and brother entered the room.

"Ugh, she took the biggest ones!" my brother, Matt, complained. I poked my tongue out at him and took another bite of my pancake.

"Well then get up earlier next time." My mum said giving him two pancakes. I quickly finished my breakfast.

"Thanks mum." I said hugging my mum.

"You’re welcome. What time will you be home tonight?" she asked me as I put my blue hi-tops on.

"About 10pm." I told her, then I texted Jenna my best friend.

Me: Now on my way. Don’t forget the tickets. M xx

She replied almost instantly.

Jenna: Ok, I won't. How could I? It's ONE DIRECTION! J xx

"Bye mum, dad…Matt." I hugged my parents.

"Have fun seeing ‘One Rejection’!" my brother teased. It was not that he hated One Direction. He just loved annoying me. I rolled my eyes and left.

     I arrived at Jenna's 10 minutes later.

"You ready?" she asked as she came outside. She was wearing a pink ‘I <3 Zayn’ T-shirt and shorts with a brown leather jacket.

"Isn’t it a bit cold for shorts?" I asked her as she shivered in the wind.

"Yeah, but I want to show off my tan from france." She gestured to her perfectly tanned legs.

"Ok, but don’t blame me when you freeze to death." I said as we walked to the bus stop.

"I can’t believe we have to take the bus." She moaned as the bus pulled up.

"Yeah well our parents don’t have the time to drive us, plus they already splashed out for the backstage tickets." I reminded her as we got on the bus.

     About half an hour later we reached the stadium.

"Wow." I said. It was huge and packed.

"Let’s go!" Jenna said excitedly.

"You go on ahead, I’m going to go and get some snacks." I said pointing to the discount store across the street.

"Ok, here’s your ticket and pass. Do not lose them." She said before heading towards the stadium. I quickly headed towards the store. I went in and bought some skittles.

     A few minutes later I was heading back to the stadium. I was more excited than I had ever been in my entire life. I kept imagining what it would be like when I met them backstage. How amazing it would be hearing them perform live. I reached the crossing both lights were red so no cars could come through. I began to cross the road knowing that this would be the best day ever. Suddenly my thoughts were interrupted by a loud screetching noise and a beeping horn. I turned left to see a car hudling towards me. But the lights were still red. It shouldn’t have still been going. This couldn’t happen. Not on the best day of my life. No.

     It all happened so quickly. The car came closer. I got dizzy. I was frozen. There was so much noise. Then nothing. Only pain. For quite some time there was just darkness and pain. Then there was a light. A small light that gradually got bigger. The pain began to lessen too, as if the light was healing me and guiding me away and I was leaving and going to heaven or something. But then I remembered. The best day of my life. I couldn’t miss that. I didn’t want to leave. I wanted to stay and have the best day ever. Suddenly the pain came back stronger and the light faded until I was left in darkness again. Then it all suddenly stopped and I was standing on the pavement outside the stadium. I was confused. What had happened? I turned around to see lots of people gathered at the crossing. There was an ambulence and a police car. I slowly walked over to try and see what happened. The police were telling people to get back. I looked past them and gasped. Me. It was me. I was laying there on the ground. There was so much blood. My blood. Was I…? No. How? I squesed past the police officers but they didn’t seem to notice.

"It’s too late." One of the paramedics said putting some equipment down. "She’s gone."

"Poor girl. She never got to go to the concert." The other paramedic said. I was frozen again. Like when the car was coming towards me. How could I be dead? I was standing right there. Tears started to form in my eyes as realisation hit me. I was dead. Gone. Bye bye. A ghost.

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