I wish ~chapter 11~

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Sorry it's taken me ages to upload this chapter and sorry it's not that good. I've had so much going on, but here's chapter 11! :) I really hope you like it, please let me know what you think. Comment, vote, fan??? :D

InsaneWeirdo xoxo ;)


(Mara’s P.O.V)

     It had been a week since Niall brought me back from the ‘underworld’. We went to his flat on the other side of London. Everyone was shocked that Niall had left One Direction, only me and the band knew why. He told people that he couldn’t handle the fame and that he wanted a normal life. It was a joke. A normal life? With me? The judge’s words played over in my mind: "In a month you will come back here, if you don’t Niall will die." It wasn’t fair. Niall never should have brought me back. I only had three weeks left with him and then I would have to move on. How was I going to tell him? He’d already given up the band for me. Could he go back? Be part of One Direction again? I couldn’t believe what had happened. If you had of told me a month ago that I would die, meet Niall Horan, fall in love with him, become his girlfriend and be the reason he leaves One Direction then I would have said you were crazy. But it had happened.

     Niall and I were sitting in his flat watching TV, he had his arm around me and I had my head on his shoulder. He was on his third bag of crisps.

"Do you want one?" he asked, holding the bag of crisps in front of me.

"I can’t Niall, I’m a ghost remember. No food for me." I said.

"Oh, I’m sorry…no food?! How are you going to be here forever with no food?" I laughed at how adorable he was.

"I’ll survive, but you’ll have to eat my share of food." I joked, knowing he already ate enough for two. He laughed.

"Yeah, I guess I will." He said shoving more crisps into his mouth.

     About an hour later Niall left to get a take-out. I tried to concentrate on the TV but all I could think about was having to leave Niall in three weeks. It would break his heart. What if he tried to come back for me again and got himself killed? I couldn’t let that happen. I had to just leave and not tell him where I’m going. At least that way he wouldn’t go to the underworld looking for me. I knew it would hurt him, but at least it wouldn’t put him in danger. I still had three weeks left though. It was better than nothing.

* * *

     The next three weeks passed quickly. I had spent almost every moment with Niall. Mostly in his flat where he wouldn’t get harassed for leaving One Direction. I felt so bad for him. Would the judge let him join the band again once I went back? I could tell Niall was becoming depressed. Missing the boys and the music. I hated myself. If it wasn’t for me then he would have never of had to leave the band. I had one day left before I had to go back to the underworld.

"Niall?" I was laying on the sofa and Niall was making his dinner.

"Yeah?" he asked, poking his head out of the kitchen.

"If anything happened to me…"

"Nothing is going to happen to you." He said before I could finish my sentence.

"I know," I lied "but if something happened to me, would you join the band again?" I asked him.

"Mara, nothing will happen to you so there’s no point in asking." He told me.

"But Niall, I can’t stay with you forever." I said and he came into the lounge, a worried and confused look on his face.

"Why not?" he questioned.

"Because you’re going to grow old and I’m not, you’ll want to get married and have kids and I can’t, one day you’re going to…die." I explained. His expression turned from worried to sad in the blink of an eye.

"I know. I try not to think about it. W…when I grow old, will you leave me?" he asked looking down. Never. I thought, but I had to lie.

"I don’t know. Maybe. I mean, it would be too weird." I said standing up and walking towards the window. I stared out at the London traffic.

"Too weird? Fine. Then what the hell are we together for? For you to make me fall in love with you then leave me when you’re fed up?!" he sounded angry. I turned around, tears were falling from his eyes and he was looking straight at me.


"No! I don’t want to hear it Mara! I’ve given up everything for you…and for what? For you to leave me when I get too old?! Maybe we should just end it here so you can find someone younger and better looking!" his words stung, but I knew it was better to do this than to risk him dying. I held back the tears that were threatening to fall.

"Fine. I’ll go." I said and walked out the door. At that moment I knew I would never see Niall again. I headed to the only place I knew I could go, ready to go back to the underworld. My grave.

     It was quiet in the graveyard. There was only one or two people there. I stood by my grave in silence. It was breezy and my hair kept getting blown in my face. I stood there for hours, imagining what my life would have been like if I hadn’t of died. Would Niall have liked me? Would it have worked between us? Or would he have just seen me as another fan? I then wondered what would happen to me when I went back. Would it be good? Or would it be bad? What was going to happen to me?

"Mara?" I heard my name and turned around…

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