I wish ~chapter 14~

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Heeeeellllloooooo!!!! I have not uploaded in so long and I am really sorry for that. I have had a heartbreak, my nan was in hospital, my grandad was in hospital, I had mock exams, I had my birthday and my mum had to go into hospital too. So I've been a bit pre-occupied. I am going to try not to forget to upload for ages, but I can't promise anything because I have more exams in January. I do love you guys and I will try to make it up to you! :) Dedicated to xImperfectlyPerfect for being awesome and making me realise that I couldn't leave you guys hanging! :D

InsaneWeirdo xoxo ;)


Two months later…

(Niall’s P.O.V)

     I took a deep breath, waiting backstage. My nerves were all over the place, just like they were before every performance.

"You all right Niall?" Liam’s voice drew me out of my trance.

"Yeah. Just nervous." I told him. We all huddled together, part of our routine before going on stage.

"Good luck guys." Harry said.

"Good luck!" the rest of us told each other. Then we slowly made our way onto the stage. We started singing Live While We’re Young and we were all enjoying ourselves, having a really good time. Then we began Little Things and during my solo, one person came into my mind. I smiled at the memory of Mara. Ignoring the pain I felt inside from her departure. It was one of the only times I was able to perform a love song without crying or running off. I didn’t know if it was because it was getting easier, or if I was just getting used to the pain. Either way I kept it together for the rest of the song. And through the rest of the concert. Even though the entire time all the memories of when I first met Mara were running through my mind. The way she smiled at me when she first looked at me, when she dragged me out of the room and I was so confused why. Somehow, I made it through the night.

     After the show I headed out. I went to my most favourite place in the whole world. Mara’s grave. I didn’t see it as the place she left me. I saw it as the place she would wait for me, the place she told me she loved me, the place I could think about her for hours. And man did I love thinking about her…he long brunette curls flowing down her back, the way she let it fall over her face when she was embarrassed or shy. Her beautiful blue eyes that sparkled when she was happy, the hint of green I noticed when we stared into each others eyes. Her smile… How was I supposed to live without her? Sometimes I wondered, is this it? Will I never see her again? But then I think about it and realise, I’d find her, one day, somehow. Because I loved her.


(Mara’s P.O.V)

     I’d thought a lot about what death would be like, only really since I’d died though. It was quite different to what I thought it would be. I was given a key and a room, in a building. Like a flat. It was quite a plain room, there was a bed, a sofa and a TV. The TV was used to watch the living, although it was quite complicated. You had to think about the person and then you’d be able to see exactly what they were doing, so if you ended up thinking of someone else then it would change. I had decorated my room a bit, a few one direction posters to remind me of Niall, a photo of me and my family and a radio. The dead had their own frequency on the radio, Phantom FM. Someone’s idea of a joke I supposed. I’d made a few friends, not many. I didn’t really get out much. I had never known anyone that had died, so I didn’t know anyone.

     I was sitting on the sofa, watching my brother playing the drums when there was a knock at my door. I turned the TV off and opened the door, only to reveal the judge standing on the other side.

"Can I help you?" I asked her.

"No, but I can help you." She told me.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Do you want to be alive again?" she questioned me.

"Well yes, but that’s impossible. Isn’t it?" I said.

"Not completely. Do you want me to tell you how?" she asked.

"Yes." I replied and invited her in.


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