I wish ~chapter 4~

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Not many people are reading this story, but I'm hoping that will change. I know there are LOADS of 1D fanfics out there but I would really appreciate you reading mine and giving me some feedback, thanks guys! :)

InsaneWeirdo xoxo ;)


     I left the hotel and found myself wandering aimlessly again. I stopped at a park and sat on a bench to think. Yesterday I had died. I got hit by a car. I wondered if my parents knew yet. I thought about heading home to find out. I checked the time. I still had three hours before the One Direction signing would be over. Three hours till I could see Niall again. I decided I would go back home. Just for a while.

     I took a bus back home. It felt weird not having to pay or anything, but I kept worrying someone would sit on me. Once I got to my house I saw a police car outside. I walked over to the window and looked through. My mum was crying and my dad was comforting her with a deep sadness in his eyes. My brother wasn’t there. He would have been at work. Did he know yet? Had they just been told? I just wanted to run in there and hug my mum, telling her it would all be ok and that I was still here. But that was impossible. I was a ghost. I stood there for a while until the police left. Tears were stinging my eyes as I got on the bus and headed back to the city.

     The bus arrived back in the city so I got off and walked over to a bench. What was I supposed to do? I had lost everything. My family found out I was dead. Where would I go? I was so confused, wasn’t there any other ghosts that could help me? Was I the only one? I wanted to talk to someone so badly, but Niall was still at the signing. I closed my eyes, hoping that when I opened them it would all have been a dream. Hoping I would still be alive.

"What are you doing?!" I half jumped out of my skin at the sound of a strange voice. My eyes flew open and I was face to face with a strange guy.

"Y…you can see me?" I asked him.

"Of course I can see you," he said. Maybe I was alive and it had been a dream. "I’m a ghost too." My hope was shattered. He noticed the disappointment on my face. "I’m Freddie and you’re obviously new to being dead so I’ll give you a few pointers. One, don’t try to communicate with the living. They will only run away screaming or try to ‘cast you out’. Believe me, I tried. Two, you don’t need food or drink or sleep. But you can probably guess that. Three, you obviously have unfinished business. The only way you can ‘move on’ is if you figure it out and fix it. And finally, don’t kill or harm anyone. Just because you’re invisible doesn’t mean you have the right to go around making more ghosts." He smiled slightly as I tried to take it all in.

"Ok, thanks. I’m Mara, if you don’t mind me asking how long have you been… you know, dead?" I asked him, wondering just how long I might be stuck as a ghost.

"Erm, about 32 years now." He said causing my eyes to grow wide in shock.

"Wow, that’s a long time." I said. He laughed.

"A long time? Seriously? There’s a guy in Birmingham who’s been a ghost for over 300 years, kid. 32 years is a breeze." And that just made me even more worried. What if I was a ghost for more than 300 years? How would I cope?

"How many ghosts are out there because you’re the first one I’ve seen?" I asked him.

"Quite a fair few. Not as many as there were. People don’t seem to get as much unfinished business around here." He stated. I leaned back on the bench. Then a thought occurred to me.

"Freddie, can anyone who’s living see us?" I asked him.

"Not normally. I have yet to find someone who can, but there are rumours." He told me.

"What kind of rumours?" I asked him, curious.

"Rumours that certain living people can see certain ghosts." He replied.

"Only ‘certain’ ghosts?" could Niall only see me? Why?

"Yeah, something to do with magic and true love or soul mates or something like that. Why? Has someone alive seen you?" he asked.

"No, no. I just… wondered." I said looking out into the distance. True love? Soul mates? No, it couldn’t.

"Is there any other way the living can see the dead?" I asked without turning to face him.

"Nope. Not that I’ve heard of." He said. There must have been though. Maybe one he hadn’t heard of before? Niall couldn’t be my tru…

"Mara?!" I was snapped out of my thoughts by a familiar Irish accent. Oh God. I turned to my left, but Freddie had gone. I sighed with relief.

"Hey Mara!" I saw Niall pushing his way through people trying to get to me. I quickly stood up. The street was too crowded, people would see him talking to no-one. That would not have been good.

"Hi Niall, let’s get out of here, it’s too crowded." I said grabbing his hand and leading him to a taxi. We got in and sat down.

"I…" he began.

"No, don’t say anything. Let’s just go to… your hotel room?" I asked and he nodded. I smiled and we kept quiet the rest of the journey to the hotel. Once we got there Niall paid the driver and we got out.

"What’s goin…" I put my finger over his lips.

"Wait." I told him. I knew I was being weird and mean but there were too many people around. I couldn’t risk his career and his reputation. He would thank me if he knew.

We reached his hotel room and he unlocked the door. I walked inside with him and shut the door.

"What’s going on? What was that all about?" Niall asked clearly confused.

"Nothing. I don’t know what you’re talking about." I said hoping he would just drop it.

"Yes you do. I’m talking about the whole ‘don’t say anything’ and ‘wait’. Why did you do that? Why do you only talk to me when we’re alone?" he asked me. I didn’t know what to say.

"I… I don’t only talk to you when we’re alone." I said looking away afterwards. He could tell I was lying.

"Mara, what’s going on?" he asked me. He sounded more concerned than annoyed.

"Nothing." I said, quickly pushing it aside again. I looked down at the ground. He put both his hands on my face and lifted my head up so I was looking at him. He was a lot closer than I thought. I could feel his breath on my face. He was staring straight into my eyes. And I was already completely lost in his. He leaned in and before I knew it we were kissing. I forgot everything. I forgot where I was, what I was doing and that I was dead. He moved one of his hands down to my waist and I put both my hands around his neck. The kiss was soft and sweet. I was in another world. It was perfect. We both pulled away, needing air. He looked at me and smiled. I couldn’t help but smile back. I felt as if I were in a dream. Then realisation hit me. I couldn’t do this. He was alive and I was… dead. I could never be the girl he deserved. I quickly moved away from him. He looked at me confused.

"I…I can’t." I whispered. He took a step towards me but I backed away further. "I’m sorry." I said before opening the door and dashing down the stairs. I knew I had hurt him, but it was better than what would happen if I told him the truth or something like that.

     Tears began to pour from my eyes as I sat in a bus shelter. I had to get out of the city. I couldn’t risk it anymore. I knew that Niall would find someone new one day. Someone alive, someone who can give him what he deserves. A girl that everyone else will be able to see. One he can have a family with and grow old with. Not someone like me, someone dead. I could never give him any of those things. I got on the bus. As for me, I would find out my unfinished business and ‘move on’. It might take me some time but I had plenty. The bus slowly started to moved further and further away form the city. I may have left Niall today, but he would stay forever in my heart.

I wishحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن