I wish ~chapter 6~

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Ha, a new chapter the next day! Hope you're happy. Did you enjoy Niall's P.O.V? Should I do another one in his P.O.V? Let me know. I'm also thinking of changing the title, but I don't know what to. Anyone have any ideas?

Anyway, thanks for reading. Please enjoy this chapter! Comment, vote, fan??? :)

InsaneWeirdo xoxo ;)


(Mara’s P.O.V)

     I was walking down a long path. It was dark and I couldn’t really see anything but the path. It seemed to go on forever. I kept walking and my legs began to ache, which was weird because normally I never felt pain. I ignored it and continued walking. I began to get darker and my legs became numb. I was confused. I stopped walking. Then my whole body began to ache and feel numb. I could hear a voice whispering around me. I couldn’t quite make out what it was saying but I heard words like ‘death’, ‘blood’, ‘afterlife’ and ‘pain’. My mind was rushing and I collapsed to the ground. I could see something moving in the darkness. I knew what it was without being told. It was death. It wanted to drag me to hell.

     My eyes flashed open and I quickly took in my surroundings. I was sitting in an armchair in a hotel room. I knew trying to sleep was a bad idea. But the dream I had was so strange and a little bit scary. Ok, very scary. I brought my legs up onto the armchair and hugged my knees. I didn’t know what to do. I had just been sitting in the hotel room for days. I had no-one to talk to and I had no idea what my unfinished business was. It could have been anything. I was 17 for God sake! I hadn’t done anything! I felt like I wanted to cry, but I couldn’t being a ghost and all. I rested my chin on my knees. Was this what I was going to be doing for… well forever? No. I stood up and headed out. I was done with self pity. I may have been dead but I wasn’t going to sit around feeling sorry for myself.

     I left the hotel. I was still in London, just not in the main part of the city. I didn’t know exactly where I was going to go, but I couldn’t stay. I looked up at the sky and saw the sun shining down. I missed feeling the heat of the sun. I couldn’t feel anything any more, it was ra…wait! If I’m not supposed to be able to feel anything then how was I able to feel the kiss? I racked my brain for an answer. I had nothing. What if Freddie was right and Niall was my… but how? He’s Niall Horan and I’m just Mara…dead Mara. I realised I had to go back. I needed answers.

     I arrived back to the hotel he had been staying at. What if he was gone? I needed to prepare myself. I started pacing. Suddenly I stopped outside a newsagents. I took a step forward. I was on the cover of the newspaper. An article about how I died. I know knew I had to talk to Niall. He deserved to know the truth. He’d understand…I hope.

      I knocked lightly on Niall’s hotel room door. The past few days had gone so fast. I waited a minute or two. Maybe he wasn’t in, or had left already. I didn’t even know how long he was going to be in London. I knocked again, louder this time.

"One minute!" I heard his Irish accent call from inside the hotel room. I was suddenly aware how unprepared I was. Maybe I should go and prepare myself more or just leave and not come back. I was too late. The door began to open. I had never been so nervous. Niall pulled the door fully open then looked at me. His mouth dropped open in shock. His eyes looked red and puffy, like he’d been crying.

"H..how are…y…you’re dead." He managed to say. I opened my mouth to say something, but he spoke again. "Is this some kind of sick joke? Was the newspaper fake? Is this funny to you?" he looked like he was going to cry again and I instantly knew I shouldn’t have gone to see him.

"No." I said quietly. I felt so guilty. I looked at the floor.

"Then what? What’s going on Mara?" he asked. I slowly lifted my head up to look at him. As I did one single tear escaped his eye and rolled down his cheek. I hated myself for hurting him so much. I had to fix it.

"I’ll show you." I said. I took his hand and led him to another hotel room. "Wait here and watch." I told him, leaving him a little further away from the hotel room door. I walked up to the door and knocked. I glanced over at Niall who hadn’t moved from the spot I left him at. The door in front of me opened to reveal a very confused looking Harry Styles.

"Hello?" he asked looking around. He obviously couldn’t see me and was trying to figure out who knocked on his door. He spotted Niall.

"Hey Niall, did you see who knocked on my door?" Harry asked Niall. Niall looked shocked and confused. He kept looking from me to Harry, then back again.

"Erm, no. Sorry." He said.

"Ok then." Harry said to Niall before mumbling "Weird hotel." And going back into his hotel room. I sighed, still upset that no-one could see me.

"Why couldn’t he see you?" Niall was already next to me asking questions.

"Didn’t you read the article?" I asked him.

"Part of it, why?" he asked as we went back into his hotel room. I spotted the newspaper on a table and picked it up.

"I died last Saturday Niall." I said handing him the newspaper. He looked shocked again.

"That’s impossible." He said reading through the article. His jaw dropped as he realised I was right. "But I met you on Saturday."

"Yeah. After I died." I said.

"How…?" we both knew he knew the answer.

"Niall, I’m a ghost." I told him. My secret was out. Niall knew the truth. What happened next would be up to him.


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