Next Move

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Hi there. I was waiting for the readers prediction there for the last episode. Well it's ok. Everytime we don't get what we want. Basically that's what our entire book is all about. Let me get back to the story. This is a lengthy story.

15:30pm the time on my friend's digital watch displayed. The bell rang. You know you can't forget the sound after the last bell in a day's class. That unforgettable sound of bags being packed. Everyone in a rush to get home. The sound of shoes running down the stairs. Ah wonderful memories right! So there's this herd of my classmates rushing out of the class. Sorry guys I referred you as a herd. Don't worry I was also part of this herd. Iam like searching, where is this girl?? I need to answer her back. My parents had brought me up in such a way that irrespective of being right or wrong I had to answer back or respond back to whatever Iam told at. I was very desperate. I had to answer back to her. I saw her getting down the stairs. I was trying to run behind her. I seriously felt like a curious little puppy trying to run behind an interesting person. But I was lost in another crowd of students from various classes all of us going home. My attempts failed badly. By the time I could rush to the school gate, she had already left. All that I saw was that she was going home with some guy in his mid forties wearing a khakhi outfit like a postman. I consoled myself " Where will she go? She is my classmate only right. I will talk to her in class only.

Next day. Next lunch break. I purposely skipped my lunch just to speak to her. She finished her lunch and came along with her friends. Suprised to see me alone in the class, she asked me in kannada "oota aitha?" which meant "had lunch?" I nodded my head. And I shot back "nindu oota aitha?" which meant "did you have your lunch?". A cute smile came upon her face. She said "Yes. Aithu(Had)". I restarted the convo from my end. "Hey, I forgot to introduce myself! Iam sorry. Iam..." She stopped me "Prabhu right?" And I am like "Wow She knows even that!" She continued back "My friends told me about you. They say you are a different student." I was shocked hearing this for the first time. In shocked I screamed "What? I mean what different? Who told you?". She could not control her laughter. Her friends joined her in this. I was feeling very awkward. Someone whom I don't even know properly, calling me different and laughing at me. She was so alert of the time that she calmed me down and said "Don't worry. I will tell you everything later." Atleast and atlast she put me in a bit of relief. For the next 3 classes, my entire mindset was diverted. I was only thinking "What am I different at? Who said this to her? Who is behind all this wrong information? What will she say everything? What does she mean by everything? Oh my!! So many questions. My mind is getting restless." One of the teachers caught me not paying attention to her class. This teacher called me to the board and asked me some random question thinking she can punish me for not answering the question. But I was a cunning fox. I reversed back the question with an additional doubt. She became blank for a minute and started referring the text book for the answer. Meanwhile in the so called "answer searching gap", I shot back "Mam, the answer is '... I was stopped again by this teacher. This time she said "It's ok. First let me clear your doubt.". As I turned towards my classmates an evil grin came upon my face. It was like a crazy unexpected achievement. I totally forgot about those questions I had in my mind. My friends were like "macha super kano. avala baayi muchbitte". This means "Wow dude! You shut her mouth only!. That time we didn't know of this dab thing what youngsters do to celebrate achievements. Else I would have done that. I was feeling proud in a bad manner. Everyone knew this. That I was a bad kid at school. Too much of attitude and pride. I still think Khushi was told about this by her friends. 15:30pm. She asked me "Hey mister, did you get the answer to your first question?". I felt that this was kind of too much of heavy conversations two 10 year olds are having. Question on question. I mean what is happening?. Too bad that I got the answer to this question very late. You readers would have found the answers in the question itself. I kept blinking my eyes, don't know what to answer her. She burst out into laughter for this also. I was such a jerk that whenever someone of my age or lesser than mine used to laugh at me, I would fight with them irrespective of gender. But this time, something stopped me from doing that. I still can't forget that childish laughter she had. With all that laughter she spoke back again " You shut the teacher's mouth. I have never seen such a student who has done that. It feels so funny that you yourself didn't understand what made you different from your classmates. Wow!! ". She was still laughing. And I have not forgotten that till date. Iam so sorry that I had bored you with such a lengthy lecture.

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