Suicide Doesn't Solve Anything...

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Hello readers. We stopped to the point where I consumed pebbles and got down into suicidal tendencies. This is a heavy lengthy episode. I would request you to please not skip it as it's lengthy but read it completely as I would personally dedicate this episode to all those people who have suicidal tendencies and are in the way of ending their precious life. I know that everyone is unique but at certain times and situations of life we meet at common points such as our problems and all those methods we try to solve them. Let me take you through a lengthy episode of how suicide gave me an important lesson in life.

As said and read earlier, my proposal to Miss. Anitha came down shattering with a warning. What happened next is an interesting story. I consumed pebbles in fear and in sadness. Sadness because I lost her very badly after lot of research, prayers and all silly stuff. Fear because of the warning that joined all the current pressures I was subjected to at the time of the incident. The lunch box was filled with uneaten rotting rice and pebbles. On the way home, I threw all those contents into a big dustbin near my home. I double checked that even if traces of rice were found in the box, not even a single pebble must be found else I had to face serious consequences. The next day morning, on my way to the school I started to get severe headache. I had not even reached the school. Somewhere, I stopped. I felt like I was getting nauseous. I was about to puke. Walking further at some isolated place near the school, I puked out all those pebbles I had swallowed. Luckily no one saw all that. I went back home saying I was not well. For the next three days, I was absent to the class. I had become heavily sick consuming and puking all those muddy pebbles. I didn't know that there were two serious surprises waiting for me that day. As usual that day, the same looks from my classmates were flashing. I didn't mind any of those. I was half ready for a punishment that I was not at all expecting. After the lunch hour, one of our teachers called me to the principal's chamber or cabin or office or whatever that place was called. Our school had a very good principal who shaped the future of many students studying there. The moment I heard that Iam called to the principal's cabin, I started shivering out of fear. I was already imagining what would happen inside. Literally I started sweating, and I was wondering whether I would come out alive from his cabin or not. As my steps started decreasing near the office, tension started increasing. We went inside, me and that teacher who was accompanying me. The cabin was like a ghost raided palace. All the lights in the cabin were off except the ones at the end of the cabin wall and a small table lamp light was on. That was the principal's work table. Don't mind guys, I am bad at describing horrible stuff. As I entered in, he stood up and started his conversation.

" Yes, I was expecting you. What's your name?
Father, mmy nname is Ppprrabbhu Chhetann. (I stammered in fear)
Which class?
9th B Father!
Ok! Let me come straight to the point. I have heard some really interesting news about you. And I want to talk about it with you now. Shall we??
Yyess Father.
I heard that you are harassing one of your classmates; a girl. Will you tell me the entire truth regarding this or should I pull out the truth?? "

Except the pebble consuming content, I narrated everything. A tight slap came racing over my face. And I started to cry. The convo continued

" Look man, your teachers have given me a good opinion about you. And by the way you and your personality are in front of me now, I can't take physical action on you like beating, hitting or any other methods. I have decided some offers for you. Now stop crying like a child!!.
Ok father.
The offer is I will let you go behind that classmate girl; provided you will be signing this transfer certificate infront of your parents. No need to read anything or fill the form, just 3 signatures and you get your freedom. You will not be studying here. You can wait outside the school gate for her. And then do whatever you want with her. I won't question anyone. The choice is yours. What do you want? That girl and a free transfer certificate or I hope you know the other option.
I know father.
Yes then can I know what do you know about the other option??
I will stop going behind her father. I will study well father. I don't want any TC father. Father please father!!. Iam sorry father. So sorry father!!
Very well and good that you know. Remember son, I would not stop you from going behind that girl. But, the thing is both of you are teenagers; children studying in school to be precise. In this age, it is common to get attracted to the opposite gender. Even I have been through that phase. And moreover, your teachers spoke a lot of good things about you. When I heard such a complaint against you, even I felt bad. I can see a bright future in you. Don't ever lose that future. It's costs way too much to be gained back. So enough of me advising you so much. I trust you that you will be change for good.
Yes father. Thank you father.
Now you can leave for your lunch.
Ok father."

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