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Hello readers. How are you all? I hope you had a good time reading my previous episodes. Now coming back to the continuation of those episodes.

Are you wondering why is the title of this episode "New??" ?. Kind of strange right!! I know. I broke heads trying to get a good catchy title for this episode. But still I couldn't. Never mind. So I randomly struck to this title. You will know later how the title will add up to the episode.

Somewhere in the previous episodes, if we could just turn our pages back, you would have known that I had to change school from 08th std. From an urban part of Bengaluru we had to shift to a half rural-half urban part of it. Shifting is easy. But getting along and adjusting to a new environment was not easy. We shifted to an apartmental society called Surya City Phase 1 here in Chandapura. I love this place still for it's silent places and all the lonely parks where I spent most of my personal life. Mid 2009 we came here. When we came here, many buildings (most of them flats and apt's) were still in their construction process. Our area was a very silent place with very less amount of people. As dusk hit, it became very dark here like a mini forest. Roaming around was very scary. We were just new arrivals of some strange alien species. People used to look at us very wierdly. I can't forget all those days when it used to rain heavily here. The entire area used to become a sticky pile of overflown choco. Our place was still in development stages. Wherever we saw open places, we found fresh and excess soil. The streets; especially from home to the bus stop, the entire road had turned brown and wet. Walking on all these streets was crazy af. Our little growing feet used to get struck in the wet sand and many a times we fell down trying to walk. And when the year had to end up, it was freezing cold here. For the first time, we saw in live "fog, mist, dew" and many natural beautiful stuff around us. Iam happy that Iam adjusted to this environment and being a part of it for many years.

That was our residential areas. Coming to the new school and new friends. I am so sorry that I can't take the name of my school due to personal issues. Me and my sister we were put to a catholic school here near to Bengaluru's IT hub Electronics City. This will always be my mom's favourite place as she found her prayers and peace in the new church. Our school was a part of this church and it's congregations run by fathers (priests), brothers and sisters (seminarians and nuns). We started to develop in spiritual senses.(TBH Iam not as spiritual or devoted to Godly and religious stuff as the rest 3 members of my family are). We changed holy mass habits from going to Kannada mass and English mass. The love and attachment to western music came from here. For almost an year, I was an over confident jerk at the new school. But later, my classmates broke all that over confidence. A big thanks and applause for all my friends who were part of it. Speaking of classmates and friends, the first two friends whom I made are Nelson (Captain Sunny D'Souza) and Chethan (Candy Chethan). And in return I was called the "Battery" as I wore spectacles for sight issues. Nelson was a silent guy. And Chethan was the opposite bold and fearless. Through Captain sir, I learnt to be soft, silent and spiritual. And through Chethan, I learnt to be fearless and ready to face any situation. Due to certain unexplainable situations, we had to part ways in terms of location, classes, career and even the fricking upcoming future days. But, that has not stopped us from staying the same best friends till now. We call each other, speak in the same manner we used to do when we were in school. As I write all these, I would feel immensely happy to look back at all those school days, those 3 academic years, all those unforgettable memories. Those days won't come back. And at the same time, they won't even fade away. It was such a phase of life where I can't remember everything but can't forget anything that I have kept carrying and will go on. I got so adjusted that whenever I used to have conversations regarding all these with Sharath and Khushi, they used to make fun saying I have become a big guy who's studying in a high class english school. They used to even ask me whether I would forget them in the ways of adjusting to the new environment. I would reply back saying that I wouldn't forget my childhood. And we all know how fate gave the answer to that question they asked.

Meanwhile, coming to the highlight of our book. Relationships!!! Somewhere at the beginning of a new year called 2010, I have my feet stepping into a new level of relationship. I saw this short cute classmate of mine. For the first time, a person has pulled me towards her. This was entirely different than what had happened with my Khushi. I see this girl. I feel that she is an interesting personality (Please do correct me if iam violating any character or behavioral codes). Iam at such a curious age of life where I want to know everything, where I want what I want. Like a curious cat checking out on stuff, even I was doing the same. At the beginning days when I saw her, I didn't approach her fearing where things would go wrong. I used to enquire about her with my classmates. You know that's a different feeling. I start developing unnecessary feelings about that girl. It's in my mind, that I have to know that girl. I find her attractive. But, I don't know why this was happening only with this girl and not any other girl in the class who were more beautiful, attractive and intelligent than her. It was kind of a paradoxical dilemma that I was caught in. At a particular time, I have two opposite thoughts for the same person. One is I find her attractive which is increasing my curiosity towards her. Secondly I don't know much about her which is putting me into sub confusions whether it will be good to speak to her or not and even if Iam ready to approach her, how should I??? My mind is boggling like anything with lots of never faced questions regarding a person. Before my friends could know the actual feel points and issues pertaining to her, I wanted Khushi to know about her. I felt that she would be the right person to help me regarding this girl. And before I could let Khushi know about all these, I lost Khushi in an unexpected tragedy. After Khushi's untimely demise, I dropped the entire idea of going behind this girl. I was still in the pain of Khushi's passing away. I couldn't digest all those that had happened with her.

My sincere apologies that Iam ending the episode in a sad manner. That was my entry to a new world. So many "new's" there right; New place, new home, new school, new friends, and a new life with lot of other upcoming incidents shaping me. Who is this new short girl whom I have seen there?? What happened next?? Did I approach her?? Please do stay tuned for the next episode my dear readers!!

Till then as usual, please do comment, suggest, drop in your feedbacks here in the comments section or at my instagram handle. And if you like my episodes, please do vote and share them. Thank you readers. See you all in the next episode.

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