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Hola readers. How are you all??? God bless and my prayers hope you are all doing well.. Thanks for reading the previous episode. We all know how Miss Anitha had put me in the bro zone and I was not at all ready to accept it. This is a continuation of that episode..

Anyways, her number was in mom's phone as well as my personal diary. The conversations were going on in a smooth manageable manner. As 2014 had begun, in college the announcements regarding our send off and puc graduation were made. This was the last time I was going to spend with Anitha. After this puc, our careers and lives would be going into various different routes. So before we could seperate formally, I badly wanted pics; either her single pics or with me if possible. Iam so sorry Kushi, but at that time I really felt that I should not miss out the pics like it happened in our case. I apologise that I had forgotten you all that time. To accomplish this task and get atleast one pic, I had requested and arranged so many people to do the camera work specially for me on the graduation day.

My time wasn't going good. There were so many things in life to which all I was solely responsible. It was my studies. Each and every lecturer who used to teach us, used to complain to my parents regarding my studies. The complaint was just this "Iam so sorry. I don't know how to tell you. He is misusing the power of the class representative. He isn't studying anything. He is failing all the time. He isn't attentive in class. We are very worried about his final exams." From college to home, the same dialogues used to be repeated like over a million times. But I was always in the over confident plans of scoring 35 out of 100. My parents had found out about this oc plan of mine and had strictly warned me to never ever do that. It's 2018 when I am typing all these and now I realise that they were right about this all the time. At that time, I was fed up of listening to the same studious dialogues and advices from all corners of my world. It started to become a headache. 2014 started in a very horrible manner for me with these taunts. I was keeping quiet and bearing all these from the inside.

In our home, we had two cats by the names Orange and Pepper. Orange was the elder one and Pepper the younger one. Both of them female felines. We were very much attached to them. The house was filled with lots of furry love. These kitties had started roaming outside the house and coming back whenever they wanted. And we felt that this was just a normal feline behaviour because however long they used to go, they used to come back home somehow. Like I said it all happened in 2014. Our dear Orange who had gone for a stroll had not come back home even after 4-5 days. They had never spent their time outside so much. Max to max they used to return back home within one and half day. The effect fell on her sister Pepper. Pepper became uncontrollable. Uncontrollable in the sense, she didn't become any grumpy cat who started sabotaging household stuff. She demanded personal company. Without Orange at home, she was crying and demanding us to not let go of her till she snuggled to rest in anyone's lap. In those days, I don't know how many times she had slept in my lap. And every time she placed herself in my lap, I felt emotional. I felt like crying. But I hid away my tears. Our searches for Orange around the house and all the surrounding areas went waste. We couldn't find her. We had to wait for a few days and give up the search also.

Meanwhile at the college.
From school to pu college, I had a very bad habit regarding Anitha's matter. Whenever I was in a good mood, I used to give her a one rupee or fifty paisa toffee. I don't know how many times she had thrown back to me in school. But in pu college, she used to take them politely. But I was the one who misused this freedom of her's. Why a "one rupee or fifty paisa" toffee??? It was very rare that I used to get huge amounts of fifty rupees or thirty rupees. Whenever the money was huge, most of the money was spent on college stationary stuff or emergency bus fares. And moreover, I wasn't like my friends who used to gift their girlfriends those costly and huge chocolates and other stuff. Like my parents even I was struggling for money. It was very hard to get even a ten rupees bus fare. I never felt bad for that financial time because I was brought up in such a way that I accepted it as a part of my life. Today I look back I feel that it still remains unbelievable how those days passed. When we passed on to 2nd puc, our college administration started the uniform system. We were supposed to wear uniform to college. We had two pairs of uniform. One for Monday and Tuesday and the other one for Thursday and Friday. We had a waistcoat also for that. And trust me, compared to the current uniform Iam made to wear in degree college, I love that pu college uniform a lot. There was a heavy positive vibe when I wore that uniform. I miss that uniform a lot. The waistcoat had three pockets, one on the left chest and the other two on equivalent bottom left and right sides. I hope you got the idea how the waistcoat was. Like I told you about this toffee habit of mine. I still remember these two dates very well; 13th and 14th January 2014. How can I forget these dates.

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