Chapter 2

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''You need to stretch out your arm even more, so your upper body is more outstretched - and keep your shoulders back as well. Don't slouch Midoriya'' The instructor Shoto Todoroki was standing in the corner keeping an eye on Midoriya as he were going through his choreography. It wasn't complete yet, but what he had so far needed to be perfect before he could continue on adding more steps. This choreography was a big deal. All UA students needs to come up with a new choreography each year to stay as student there. There are specific requirements to their choreographies every year and if they can't fulfil the requirements they get kicked out. This years requirements were pretty simple. They need to make a choreography for classical dancing where they show that they have their basics in order. But they have to do it while they express their personality through these basics steps and that could be a bit trickier.

''Here let me show you'' Todoroki approaches Midoriya in a calm and collected way. That was just Todoroki in a nutshell. He rarely got frustrated with his students when teaching and he had a good sense of teaching as well. It was just easy to learn with him as the instructor.

''When you stand on one leg you have to think about centering all you bodyweight on this leg. Yes like that and to keep the balance you gotta keep your shoulders back and your chest out. Yes, very good. Like that''. Midoriya could definitely feel the difference when Todoroki were teaching him, instead of the other instructors. Midoriya haven't been able to focus all day because of what happened yesterday - when he ran in to that crew dancer. For some reason he couldn't get him out of his mind.

''Okay. If you are ready I would like to go over the choreography together'' Todoroki's voice got Midoriya back to reality. He stood in position and were ready when Todoroki started the music. Todoroki who created his Choreography danced the routine to perfection. Just like Midoriya, when Todoroki dances he closes off the outside world and stay in the moment. Although he doesn't do that at group lessons, he does it occasionally when he is dancing with Midoriya or just by himself. He is very comfortable around Midoriya and feels like he can be himself around him.

Although he is Midoriya's instructor and is paid to improve and help his career as a dancer at UA, by correcting him when he catches Midoriya doing freestyle in his lessons, he still sees Midoriya as a close friend outside his lessons. He is pretty strict about Midoriya's dancing when he is his instructor, but Todoroki enjoys freestyle as well and dances a lot of other styles than classical dancing. It's just that he grew up with an even stricter father so he haven't been so free to do whatever he pleases until he met Midoriya.

Outside the dance studio a familiar face is observing the two dancers rehearsing. A street dancer named Katsuki Bakugo. He has a bad reputation among the older students at UA. And he doesn't really get along with any other UA dancers either. So he gets often called into the directors office to get scolded.

''Bakugo! The director is waiting for you!'' Katsuki pulls himself out of his thoughts and grabs the strap of his duffel bag on his shoulder.

''Chill. I'm coming!'' He yelled back. He took one last glance at the green haired little dancer who walked in to him the other day - and then at the guy with the white and red hair.

''Tch.. Idiots'' He mumbled and started walking towards the directors office.

An hour later Midoriya was finally done with his session with Shoto Todoroki. They both sat on the floor and stretched out.

''Great work today. You have really improved Midoriya. Although you still lack focus sometimes'' Todoroki looked over to Midoriya.

''Please. Call me Izuku! That is only fair since you let me call you by your first name'' Midoriya sends a wide smile to Todoroki leaving him speechless. Todoroki has never been so unformal with anyone so he is always left speechless whenever Midoriya so casually calls him Shoto or ask him to call him Izuku. Todoroki looks down and gives out a little smile. Midoriya gets back on his feet and give his hand to Todoroki to help him up as well. They smile at each other and thanks each other for a good session.

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