Chapter 14

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It's been a week. Midoriya can't remember when he gained consciousness, but he was aware of his surroundings none the less. He couldnt feel his left leg which had him panicked for a while. But after hearing Bakugo's coarse voice and Todoroki's voice huskier than usual, he forgot everything about his left leg. 

His heart clenched for his two friends. He wanted to stand up and show them, that not feeling his leg wasn't going to stop him. But most of all, he wanted Bakugo to stop grieving. He wanted to just hug him, kiss him and be able tell him everything he's been keeping to himself. But his body wouldn't move. His eyelids wouldn't open. All he could do was listening in on the different conversations between his mom and the doctors. The regular fights between Todoroki and Bakugo. Sometimes his consciousness would turn black in the middle of a conversation. Like he had fallen asleep and then he would find himself in a new conversation once he came back to consciousness. It was frustrating for the most part.

"Izuku..." His mom had wailed next to his bedside for the 7th day. He could feels his mothers tears landing on the hand she was holding oh so tight. 

"Why... must you... be so... reckless..." She sniffed in between words. Midoriya remembers nothing and has no idea how he ended up in the hospital. But hearing his mom made his heart bleed. He tried to squeeze her hand, but was unsure wether it reached her or not. 

"Izu.... Can... Can you hear me? Doctor? Doctor!!! I think my son is waking up!?" Inko had released her sons hand and the sound of foot steps along with someone opening the door and yelling down the hallway, made Midoriya believe, that he was able to reach out. More footsteps approached. 

"Ma'am we would like you to wait outside while we run some test. Okay?" A woman's voice sounded firm yet soft and understanding. After a few vague protests from his mom, Midoriya finally felt someone poking his hand, asking him questions. His lid was even dragged up, so a flashlight could blind him. He wanted say the flashlight was unnecessary and that he was indeed able to hear her. But instead he was asked to squeeze back if possible. 

After a few test the sound of the door suddenly swung open echoed in the room. 

"How is he? Is he awake? Please. Please say he's awake" It was Todoroki. This came as a surprise. The past week, Bakugo had visited him every day. Mostly late at night when no one was around. Sometime he would visit when Todoroki also was visiting. But then it would usually end with a fight and Bakugo leaving. But today the one being loud was Todoroki. 

"Sir. We are just about to wrap up the test. If you could wait outside, then we will tell you his condition. But please leave first" 

"No... No. It was all my fault. I need... I need to..." Todoroki's voice got smaller and smaller. Midoriya wasn't sure wether it was because he was being pushed out of the room or if the words simply just had left him.. But it was frustrating to listen to regardless.. 

*             *             *

The night had finally fallen. Or so Midoriya guessed from Bakugo's presence. Nothing much had been said since he came in. He heard the usual rummage of water running, something being put down on his bedside table and then the sound of a chair being pulled closer to him. That's when he would feel Bakugo's hand in his and feel the weight of his head on his lap. This was how Bakugo had been for the most part he had been conscious. Docile was the word that came to mind. 

"I heard you've gained your consciousness. Knowing you, you've probably had it for a while but have just been keeping it to yourself. Tch... Damn nerd" Bakugo's words were low and seemed angry. But the little squeeze he made with his hand in his, gave his words a whole other meaning to it. Like he was saying:"Get well soon". Midoriya smiled on the inside. Only Bakugo would know these things. Midoriya squeezed back. There was a long silence but then the sound of a hiccup left Bakugo. 

"You really are troublesome huh?" Bakugo finally said, voice shaking. 

"Damn it" He then yelled angrily. 

"You're gonna use these sappy moments against me aren't you? Use them to blackmail me to join my crew or something stupid like that aren't you?" The long silence between them made Bakugo sigh. Realizing that he wouldn't get an answer. 

"Not that I originally would mind that". Wait, what? Midoriya's senses were suddenly hyper aware. What did Bakugo mean by this? Another sigh came from Bakugo and then some curse words. 

"If I had said yes to you joining my crew, would you be less reckless and not get fucked up like this? Is this my fault? Dammit! I didn't want you to join my street crew because there was no reason to put you on Endeavors bad side, like I am. Yet, you just had to start your own huh!? Overworking yourself.... Dammit.. Dammit.. DAMMIT!!!" Bakugo had let go of Midoriya's hand and stood up so fast that the chair fell to the floor behind him. 

No wait... Bakugo. Midoriya thought to himself. But he heard footsteps. He didn't want Bakugo to leave. He wanted him to stay and explain. If only his body would listen!!
That's when his eyes finally shot open. 

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