Chapter 13

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Authors note:

Hi everyone! I have decided to return and finish this. This was my first ever published fan fiction and though I am not fully satisfied nor do I like it anymore, I know some of you have been waiting for it and I cannot express my gratitude enough. Therefor I have decided to try and finish it, and maybe - Maybe - I will revise it and try and make it better once it's done. The reason why I stopped writing it was because of two reasons:

1) I felt limited by the lack of details to the story from the original creator Kinnme, but I also wanted to keep it as authentic as possible. 

2) The original creator stopped the story midway and therefor I couldn't continue either. 

But I've decided to continue regardless and make my own ending. Cause you guys deserves that at least! Enjoy this short chapter for now! 

''OI!'' Bakugo yelled aggressively when he saw who was making a mess in the alley way at 1 am. He knew these guys. They were a dance crew who called themselves 'The Villains'. Katsuki had his fist clenched ready to give them a piece of his mind if it was necessary.

''Ohh.. Well isn't that the so called 'king of the streets?' What brings you here at this hour''  A black haired guy asked who went by the name Dabi. Katsuki spitted on the floor and had looked liked he had just eaten a lemon.

''You wouldn't know where my green haired little shit are? Would ya?'' Katsuki couldn't read the situation but he had a feeling about it. Even though he didn't like it, it wouldn't help much to lose his cool this early in the interrogation already.

''Hm.. Green hair you say? Would he happen to be a tiny ballerina too?'' Dabi asked grinning along with the other members of his crew. That ticked Katsuki off.

''Well you are in luck. It so happens that he is right here having a blast with us'' Dabi and another member called Shinso steps aside and a shadow on the cold concrete appeared. Katsuki's blood turned cold and his pupils got smaller when he saw who was on the cold concrete floor.

*           *          *

Bakugo had been exhiled from Midoriya's room and was sulking in the waiting room. That was until a spot of red hair appeared in the corner of his eye. Knowing immediately who had entered the hospital, Bakugo stands up from his seat and marches up to Todoroki and grabs his shoulder to then skam him up on the wall. 

"It's all your fault. If it wasn't for your brother and his ridiculous territorial principles then this wouldn't have happened. Your family might be 'oh so great' at the academy but your a damn disgrace everywhere else with Dabi hanging on the family tree. What do you have to say!? HUH!?" Bakugo's voice keeps rising and he slams his fists multiple times as he gets more and more agitated. But all Todoroki does is to not break eye contact and take in Bakugo's rage. He didn't have anything to say. Cause he agreed with him. His family was a disgrace. Dabi had gotten out of line and there was so much he would like to do, but couldn't. 

Bakugo takes a step away from the wall he had pushed Todoroki up at to then take a sharp inhale. 

"His conditions isn't horrible but it isn't great either. The doctors are saying he isn't responding on his left leg. But he's still in a coma, so when and if he wakes up they will run some more tests to make sure he isn't numb."
Todoroki looks up more mortified than ever. But Bakugo keeps staring at his shoes, counting down in his head. Trying to calm down. But talking about Midoriya's condition just makes him angrier. There's a long silence between them, before one of them decides to go in and visit Deku. 

Bakugo watches as Todoroki stands at the end of the bed, staring at Midoriya being connected from almost every body part to a piece of machinery. Only the steady beeping from the machine breaks the silence between them. 

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