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Qibli glanced over at Moon. He still found it hard to believe she was his wife, even though they had been married for almost a year and a half. Her face was scrunched up in the effort of trying to read its mind. So far she had only been able to get brief glimpses from the dragonet inside the egg. His egg. His dragonet. They were worried about the child. Where the egg had once been sandy colored and covered in what looked like stars, it was now full silver under the light of the one full moon that it was hatching under. Neither Moon nor Qibli knew whether the dragonet would inherit Nightwing powers or... not. The young couple lived just outside the Nightwing village and Queen Glory had been letting them keep their egg in the hatchery. But with Moon's sixth sense of when her egg would hatch, Glory had let them transfer it to one of the rooms in her treehouse. They claimed that they would leave them alone but Qibli could tell that they were close by, waiting for any signs of a hatching. The egg wobbled once more and Moon clasped his talon. His heart gave a little jump, even after all this time his heart still pumped when she touched him. He gave her a little smile and pretended to be completely calm. Qibli wondered what the dragonet was thinking and if it knew they were waiting...

Meanwhile inside the unhatched dragonet's head.

Train of thought #1

I want to get out of here dragons are waiting for me if only I could get to a more comfortable position there! Now I can push hmm my palms aren't strong enough to push maybe my talons, or possibly the sharp thing on my tail that has to be there for a reason...

Train of thought #2

The black dragonet she's interesting and really wants to see me I know she will love me no matter what, or at least that's what she thinks I think that I want too sleep in her arms the pale orange dragon wow his mind is fast kind of like mine its like stepping into five different raging rivers at once he has to be my dad because that is one of the thought's repeating over and over in river number three he is warm I want to hug him...

Train of thought #3


Moon gasped as a crack appeared in the egg and sudden thoughts came flooding at her. She began to laugh. Qibli managed too tear his eyes away from the egg to look at her. "What's so funny?" he asked

"Oh its nothing" she breathed, "it thinks a lot like you Qibli"

Qibli looked apprehensive on that note "is that a good thing or a bad thing?" he wondered.

" Well, too put it as she does, it's like stepping into five different raging rivers at once" she replied. "Of course it's a good thing Qibli." then her grin turned to a frown. "Qibli?"


"Qibli, it can read minds"

Qibli was stunned into silence for a moment, his mind maneuvering like a rocket. It was moments before he could speak again.

"It's Ok," he said. He went to her and wrapped his wings around her slightly shaking body. "We'll figure this out" Another crack appeared in the egg and this time, it spread in a crooked line all the way around. Something small and tipped black poked its way out. It was a sandwing tail barb, but with a black tip! The barb retracted and the egg gave another shake and the couple leaned in to see a snout poke out of the egg. A pale yellow snout, followed by striking silver eyes. The little dragonet's head was sandwing with Nightwing horns and flecks of silver... and two silver teardrop scales at the corners of her eyes. She. They had a daughter! The little girl groaned and wriggled a bit, then her limbs came flying out of the egg and it shattered into tiny pieces. Moon and Qibli chuckled and the little dragonet stumbled towards her mother.

Moon scooped up her daughter. I am your mother little one, she thought. This is your father. We will always protect you and care for you. The dragonet was grateful, happy, content, amazed, and wanted to do the same. All. at. The. same. Time.

Qibli scooted closer to his newborn daughter. She had a sandwing body with Nightwing horns and silver splattered across her body and under her wings. She saw him edge closer and launched herself into his arms. She hugged into his warmth, then covered her ears. He laughed. Of course, if she was a mind reader, then she could read his mind. He wasn't holding Skyfire right now. In fact, he barely used it anymore. Qibli looked down to see that the dragonet had fallen asleep against his chest. Qibli looked at moon, eyes almost too tears. He was about to ask Moon a question, but she read it from his mind before he could form the words.

"Me? You want me to name her?" she asked. Of course, he thought at her. "Umm.," she said. She thought for a moment, then smiled and stroked her dragonet's forehead. "How about laughbringer" she suggested. Perfect. He thought. Then he thought of himself as a father. And started to laugh.

a/n someone please draw laughbringer for 

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