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Hey guys, sorry it's been so long. Like, years. I am really good at procrastinating. This chapter has no plan whatsoever so strap in! (also my Grammarly quit working)

Laughbringer wandered through the Nightwing village. Her parents let her come here for the first time when she turned 4. She had brought Birch with her then. But she hadn't seen birch in months. How could it take months to deliver a package? It was calm in the village. She kept walking. 


Queen Glory paced her treehouse. 

"I don't want to say I told you so," Deathbringer joked, but his voice and face were stony. "Why did you entrust those two?"

"I... I wanted to show more trust in my people. It was a mistake." She suddenly cast her eyes down, upset.

"Hey..." Deathbringer said, suddenly soft. He wrapped his wings around her when suddenly there was flapping outside the hut. "Hey! That sounds like Winter, so now I can stop pathetically pretending I know how to make you feel better and instead kiss you and usher you onto your throne!" He did as such, kissing her quick and then pushing her toward the flowery seat, but not before Glory hit him with her tail and muttered something along the lines of 'not so bad'. Then Winter strutted in.

"What seems to be the problem?" He asked cooly. But his eyes betrayed that he already knew what it was.

"The two rainwings you escorted. They're missing. They have been for months," Glory said sharply.

If Winter could pale, pale he did. "Your majesty, I can explain. We made it into the rainforest when I got an urgent message from the scavenger sanctuary. I made sure they made it to your hut, but I didn't see them go in because I had to fly quickly. I assumed they made it in but they must have slipped away with the payment." He bowed low, not common, an apologetic gesture. "They had their son with them."

Deathbringer's eyes widened. "The kids' friend."

Glory's tail flashed red and then mixed into the sick green of worry. "Winter, consider yourself excused and forgiven." He nodded sharply before marching out of the building. As soon as she was gone Glory sighed and ran her tail along Deathbringer's. "Get together a search party. I want them well trained. And do not tell the kids." There was a crash from behind the door to the left. Glory sighed. "Or maybe they already know. Tell them not to do anything."

Deathbringer knew that now would be a horrible time to question his queen and ran off, starting to bark orders at the listening trees. Glory shoved her face in her talon and hoped that this would go away soon.


Laughbringer weaved her way between two buildings. She might be okay without Birch if she wasn't so confused. Where was he? She was so worried. And the jungle just didn't seem as colourful without her best friend. Her heart gave a weird pang at that word. Friend. Wierd. It was at that moment, in her peripheral vision there was a bright flash of colour.

"Birch!" She jumped on the dragon as soon as they turned the corner. They let out an unearthly shriek. Not Birch.

Elby jumped back. That was not Birch. Now that she paid more attention to the dragon, she realized that he was actually she. And she was nothing like Elby had ever seen. 

The dragon had a long slender body, almost like a snake, with long strong legs and huge wings. On the sides of her tail, she had fish-like fins protruding. Her tail ended in a wickedly sharp point. Her face had ruffs like rainwings, but her horns curled over her head like nothing Elby had ever seen. Her eyes were huge, green, and like a snake. And her colour...

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2020 ⏰

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