Winter Once Again

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Their wedding day had been going perfectly and Qibli and Moon were now officially married. Only a few people had been invited to the wedding. A few people being Winter, Turtle, Kinkajou, Umber, and the Dragonets of Destiny. As they wandered through the rainwing fiesta that only a few dragons knew was secretly Moon and Qibli's wedding party. They searched among the crowds for a familiar face and came face to face with a yellow one.

"I'm sooooo happy" Kinkajou squealed. "At first I thought that maybe Moon would never get married but then I realized that you would toootally marry Qibli and then I thought that Winter wouldn't take that well but he took it OK and-"

Qibli cut her off. "have you seen Winter lately?" Winter's shining scales should have been visible of course but they hadn't been able to see him through all the dragons.

"Oh, didn't I tell you," she responded. "He left. He told me to say congratulations"


And with that, Moon jolted awake. She had been having the same memory replay in her dreams since they sent out the letters to the winglet. Qibli sat up beside her, his mind racing. It wasn't long until he found out the cause of her stress, and he took her talon in his. "don't you worry" he said. "come on, we'll check on laughbringer together." and he led her into the sleeping dragonet's room.

Qibli waited anxiously in the clearing in front of his home, awaiting his guest's arrival. Moon and Laughbringer were out searching for fruits. The dragonet was barely three months old, and they had called the winglet together for the first time in years. Kinkajou and Turtle were the first to arrive, seeing that they lived together in the rainforest not an hours flight away. They completely understood Qibli's nerves about the rest of the winglet and after hugging him they simply sat down next to him. There was a flurry of wings as Moon sat touched down next to him. That meant Laughbringer was inside coloring. 

They were all four waiting out in the clearing, Moon talking to Kinkajou and Turtle listening patiently when Qibli spotted the bright flash of light in the sky. 

"He's here" Qibli whispered. Moon turned as a bright white dragon landed. He was tense and had his head held high as coldness forever radiated from him. Moon rushed forward to embrace him, Kinkajou close behind. Winter seemed to relax for a moment in Moon's arms. Then Kinkajou squealed and pounced on him. 

After disentangling himself from the girls, he gave Turtle a short greeting then awkwardly approached Qibli. Upon closer inspection, Qibli realized the lines creasing Winter forehead and snout were gone, replaced by a less cold, happier light in his eyes. Qibli wasn't sure how to greet him, having not seen him for years. He stuck out a hand. Winter glanced at it then pulled him into a quick hug.

Qibli wanted to break the silence so he started "Hi Winter, I haven't seen you since - OMIGOSH WINTER WHAT THE HECK WERE YOU THINKING LEAVING IN THE MIDDLE OF OUR WEDDING YOU RUINED THE WHOLE DAY!!!!" Qibli burst out.

"I-I'm sorry I" Winter started, but he was cut off by a small voice from the house.

"Daddy, can I meet the Icy wing that yous is taking to!" The voice said. Winter looked directly into Qibli's eyes and spoke the four words that Qibli had been dreading all day.

"Qibli, who was that?" With accusing intensity.

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