GLORYBRINGER TIME... (A.K.A Winter falls) (Dragon years: 4 Human years: 12)

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The picture above is a bad Pixel drawing that I couldn't get to zoom in of Elby's current appearance.

Glory was the queen of the Rainwings and Nightwings. Deathbringer was her bodyguard. Simple as that. Except it wasn't, because of the dragonets. Yes. Dragonets. By now no one was certain if they were married or what, but no one questioned it, because she was an awesome -if a little unorthodox- queen. 

So three hybrid dragonets now ran around the rainforest, so what? The twins were five years old and got along really well with Laughbringer herself. They ran around together with Birch who was always ready to play. The youngest was still 3 1/3 but still managed to keep up with them when she wanted. most of the time she couldn't be bothered. 

As odd as Glory and Deathy were, their children were weirder. Though they were, in fact, beautiful, they seemed to have jigsaw personalities. 

The twins' names were Passion Fruit (Passion for short) and Nightcrawler, but their names would make more sense switched. They were born out of the same egg and were probably the most 'yin and yang' siblings of the forest. 

Passion had the head of a Nightwing and the coal black eyes and lack of venom. Her claws were a perfect crescent shape and lethally sharp. Sharp enough that her brother had scars up his arms from where she had clung to him in the egg. She had the slender body and prehensile tail if a rainwing, but her scales only shifter one colour at a time, and only dark colours. Maroon, murky orange, muddy dark yellow, Camo green, midnight purple, navy blue, dark grey, and black were her only colours, and she . usually stayed purple. It was a different story under her wings. Passion's underwings were a pearly shiny white that caught the light when she flew. Glory speculated that this was because white was all the colours mixed together. Passion was a very focused, down to earth dragon, as well as kind. she was serious and often cynical, but social and confident and charismatic. she loved her friends. She had mother instincts and was very protective of her twin brother. In terms of hobbies, she was athletic and had the makings of a good assassin like her father. Especially being as ruthless and violent as she was. She was also out to her family and friends as Aromatic and proud.

Nightcrawler was the polar opposite of his sister in both appearance and personality. Unlike Passion, he had the ability to shoot venom. And while he inherited his father's Nightwing body,  he had the graceful face and colour changing scales of a rainwing, other than the tip of his tail which was dark black. his eye shone silver like the half moon he was hatched under. The underneath of his wings was a beautiful, reflective silver and he loved to flash the sun with them. Upon first meeting him, he would often seem quite quiet and shy, but once you got to know him you would be begging him to shut up. Elby had a large vocabulary because of her mother, and if she were to describe Nightcrawler, her list would consist of words such as Excitable, dramatic, introverted, whimsical, and random. That was just a few. His sisters noticed that he spends a lot of time pondering odd things or questions he didn't need answers to. He also had an extremely short attention span and would often ramble for minutes before realizing he had forgotten what he was originally attempting to say. on top of all that, he was an extreme fanboy and loved to read. Sometimes you would hear a screech from his room and only find his apologizing to a scroll after throwing it across the room. He was just altogether unpredictable. Making young dragons uncomfortable aside, he had unbelievable talent in flying. He was fast and accurate and could keep it up for a long time, ultimately making tag a pretty boring game for him. His biggest secret, only laughbringer knew. He was a closeted Bisexual.

That being said, Hibiscus was considered the weird one in the family. Most dragons would look at her and think she was a Rainwing. She had the body and colour changing scales. She liked to keep red, hence the name 'Hibiscus'. That and the black flower pattern up her legs. Her irises were a weird white colour. most dragons thought she was blind at first. The only Nightwing part of her was her black, unchangeable underbelly and underwings as well as her inability to shoot venom. Her claws were probably sharper than her sister's and she knew they were dangerous. She knew a lot of things. At her young age, she was withdrawn and quiet. She was also very intense and she knew how to use it to her's and other people's advantage. With her keen eye and her blow gun, she would often sit in on her sibling's sparring sessions coached by their father, and look for weak spots she could hit with a temporary paralysis dart. She always found her mark. Also, unbeknownst to most of the rainforest, she loved mysteries and psychology and was good at both. 

Of course, with these traits, she tended to have a small filter. She liked to blurt her thoughts, which often ended up terribly. Like the time glory was doing her queenly duties and listening to Rainwing complaints and there was a particularly long and boring one about Durian and their scarcity around the forest. Hibiscus had told her mother that, "No matter how boring, annoying, and clueless this dragon is, he has a strong influence in the tribe so you should at least try to stay awake." Man, that had been hilarious. 

Putting the memory aside, Laughbringer focused her eyes on Birch, the twins, Hibiscus, and Hibiscus's best friend Ibis (short for Scarlett Ibis, but he refused to be called that) who were all in a huddle around her. Laughbringer's Skyfire bracelet was on the ground, and her eyes were squinting around at the focused faces that gathered there. She read each thought. Birch's mind came first. 

Make your mind a blank slate. slate, slate, slate. My roof used to be made of slate, but mother said it was too heavy. I think she just didn't like the colour. My favourite colour is purple... or blue! Hmm... green and yellow are nice too... Orange is cool, though I love the colour of Elby's scales. She's pretty...

Elby giggled and blushed slightly. "Birchy, I didn't know someone's mind could change colour as fast as their scales. Sorry, you're out. Who next..." Her eyes landed on Nightcrawler.

Reading his mind was usually like diving into a rough ocean, getting buffeted around by random thoughts. This time though, the ocean was surprisingly calm. The sound of waves and music and rustling leaves drowned out any thought he might be having. 

"Nightcrawler, you survive to the next round... Ibis, you're up!"

Ibis grinned and shifted his weight in a shady way. Elby gave him a look before closing her eyes to visit the young Rainwing's mind, but it sounded... fuzzy. She couldn't get in deep enough.

"Ibis, you're really getting better at... wait a second. IBIS FOR THE LAST TIME, YOU CAN'T USE SKYFIRE IN THE GAME"

She opened her eyes to see that he had taken off into the sky Hibiscus had collapsed with laughter and had allowed herself streaks of purple and gold. Ibis was the only one who could make her laugh. 

"Hibiscus, you win. You're always the best at blocking thoughts anyway." Laughbringer took off after Ibis.

Of course, Ibis was the same age as Hibiscus so it didn't take long for Laughbringer to catch up with him. She pinned him down to the platform gently and the young Dragonet giggled. 

"You are the worst." She stated.

"Truly" He giggled back.

Laughbringer opened her mouth to tell him off but stopped when a new mind entered her range. This one was cold and icy.

"Uncle Winter!" Elby lept into the sky and took off towards her clearing.


"Elby! Wait up! When did you get so fast?"

"Can't... slow... uncle... Winter"

She saw her clearing and descended. Nightcrawler was behind her, being the only one able to keep up. Except he hadn't been expecting her to drop so suddenly, he went careening into a shimmering shape. 

The ball of rainbow and ice went tumbling into the grass, and when Laughbringer stumbled over to check, Nightcrawler was helping a growling Winter to his feet and apologizing profusely. 

In Nightcrawler's mind, under the layers o guilt and embarrassment, a single thought rang out.

Man, he thought Dad was right. Icewings are really cold to sit on.

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