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Short chapter ahead

Winter was starting to feel slightly intimidated. Odd, right? The eyes of an entire cave of dragons didn't stop him from threatening a stranger, but under the stares of these 6 dragonets, he had to take a step back. You honestly can't really blame him though. Glancing from Laughbringer's loving smile to Nightcrawler's cherry grin and awkwardly drifting eyes, Passion Fruit's apprehensive side eye to Birch's distracting scales, and Hibiscus's intense, robotic stare. The least intimidation dragon was Ibis, who was actually staring at Hibiscus. Elby could hear his thoughts going 'oh my moons, she's doing the intense stare. She's so scary it's the coolest thing ever. I wish I could tell her...' Elby left his thoughts alone in respect for him and his emotions.

"Uncle Winter, why are you here?" Elby asked.

Winter regained his icy composure. "I'm on a mission for Queen Glory. She needs me to accompany a few dragons to the mud kingdom. Where's her royal hut again?"

This time, Nightcrawler spoke up, kind of shyly. "It's just over that big Oak tree. If you want, we can fly with you. Actually, we kind of has to anyway because we weren't technically supposed to leave. We just followed Elby cuz she took off so suddenly. But I can see why. I don't have an uncle, so I would get excited too. but, I guess you aren't technically her uncle..." Realizing he had started to ramble, he ducked his long neck and the scales across his cheeks turned red. A few more words were exchanged and they all took off together.

"Hey, Birch! Watch this!" Nightcrawler called, taking off into the sky. He lifted his wings and the sun flashed off the, blinding the dragons below. When they could see again, Nightcrawler was flying behind them. Yes. He was that fast. 

Birch laughed. "tHAT WAS COOL but I can do better." He turned camouflage and flew away.

Elby giggled. "Birch, you're not fooling us until you can keep the pink off your scales for 3 seconds."

Birch reappeared, laughing and flipping through the air.

"Just out of curiosity" Passion started, playing up the charismatic part of her, "what dragons are you working with?"

Winter paused for a second, trying to remember the names. "I think it was... Oak and Willow?"

Birch's wings skipped a beat and he nearly plummeted out of the sky, his scales turning white in the process. "Those are my parents," He whispered.

Winter looked at him thoughtfully. "They certainly have a thing for tree names then," He said.

Birch snorted. " They didn't bother to name me. Laughbringer named me when we were two. They don't care about anything. Why would they agree to this?"

The rest of the flight was silent.

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