Mr. Right?❦Roy Mustang x Reader[Modern]❦

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4th year students are now stressed out since the periodic exams are coming. But, since the teacher have some soft spot with her students, he decided that he will do something at they're homeroom class.

"Okay guys! My activity for this 3 hours of ours is supposed to be done at Valentine's, but since we lack so much time, and this is the only time we had, I let it slide. Besides, everyone seems to be stressed and I think we all deserves a break okay? But then, don't piss me off or else." She said in a threatening way which made the class nod in response, The teacher smiled once again, "okay, this is why I asked you to bring some blindfolds." She said as the class nodd, getting they're blindfolds out including you. You were curious about this little activity your having. Since first period to be honest, "Now for our activity! Let me explain without interruption," your teacher paused, you were basically sitting beside Riza. She's your best friend, while your other best friend cut classes for today, "I want all the boys to be here," she said as she pointed at the next row, as the boys filled it up, including Roy, "and the girls are here," she said, you didn't stand up from your seat since your already sitting at the row your teacher has pointed.

"Dang...I forgot my blindfold..." Riza said worriedly as you looked at her, "Ms. Andrea will kill me..." She added, you ptted her back comforting her,

"Don't worry about it."

Time Skip!

"Okay, let's start once again!" Your teacher announced as you gulped, you all already had your blindfold, and Riza is beside you unblindfold.

You were shocked as they all start screaming, did Ms. Andrea already picked a Mr. Right? Oh my glob, you had a feeling that your next.

After a minute or so, your wrist was help up, signing that you should get up from your seat. You were nervously wreck, you don't know who's the Mr. Right. Ehh, probably just someone like (Guys Name) or someone, and you hoped that it's not Roy. It'll be a great fainting job for you.

Then suddenly, you heard Riza volunteer herself to be your avatar, the rules of the game are simple, yet confusing.

And with that, Ms. Andrea starts asking questions, "Okay, If Mr. Right's birthday today, what will be your gift?" She paused, "Candidate A?" She asked, meaning it was you.

You gulped again as you whisper it to Riza's ears, "book of investigations..." You didn't know why, but that's the only thing that came up on your mind. Then after a minute or so, Ms. Andrea spoke, "okay Mr. Right, pick a answer..." She said, then with that Mr. Right whisper it to his avatar.

"Letter A ma'am!" The avatar of Mr. Right said, your now trembling since it was you. You took a step forward.

Actually, the rules of the game are simple, once you get to answer the teachers questions, and if Mr. Right picks it, you will take a step forward until you reach Mr. Right. You were also wearing your blindfolds including the 'Mr. Right'.

And again, Ms. Andrea spoke, "Next question— if Mr. Right is going to take on a date, what kind of place will it be?" She asked, and that's the cue for you to answer her question,

"Sea shore..."

"Candidate A?" She asked, again, Riza spoked, "Sea Shore ma'am!" And with that, other two candidates answer,

"Garden full of flowers..."


"Okay, pick an answer." Ms. Andrea said, and with that, Mr. Right's avatar spoke, "letter a again ma'am!" He said, Ms. Andrea was shocked.

"Wow...are you doing this on purpose Mr. Right?" She asked jokingly as the class shout in fangirling or even fanboying en stuff.

After the three questions, you were shocked that the answer that he picked was all yours. And then finally you can feel the presence of Mr. Right. At first it was kind of nerve wrecking but then, you felt a little chill.

"Okay Mr. Right, hold Ms. Right's hand." With that being said, You blushed as Ms. Andrea lead Mr. Right's hand into yours. You can feel it a little too sweaty and so is yours, your a blushing mess! As your teacher leads you both outside the classroom to talk, she picked another three candidate but this time it's male. And Ms. Right is the deal.

As we're that goes to plan, you unblindfolded yourself to see the one and only Roy. He was smiling at you, yet you didn't return, you just simply daze around head was spinning and also heat up from blushing. Lest thing you know is that Roy was kissing you.

"I love you, Ms. Right❣"

[This is based on true story event! Nah, just kidding just the part of the game that's all😊]

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