Day 1

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God my head hurt and this moving pillow is really not helping. Wait moving pillow, I sat up to realize I was not in my room but in one of the rooms in the lower level. I look down to realize that I was straddling a man. I went into emergency escape mode, I softly as possible got off him and off the bed. I quickly grabbed my clothes off the floor and got dress. I slid out the door and softly closed it. I was going to run but my inner thigh were hurting badly. As I walk to my room memories of what happened last night started coming back.

Night Before

"Sorry, you just seemed lonely once your friend left you," said the guy with the green eyes. I nodded my,"yeah, it suck being the only single person in the group." He laughed which was a deep, rich sound, "yeah you'r telling me, names David Walsh." He stuck out his hand for a handshake, I shook it,"Brianna Smith." After hours and a few more drinks me and David were laughing and sharing stories. I had got him to admit that he was recently honorably discharged from the army and was working at a security firm. He was here with his family for a family vacation, I ended up telling him that I was a nurse and that I grew up in an orphanage. "But that was where I meet my best friend in the world, no matter what they could not separate us." David laughed, "sound like you two are really close," he comments while trying to keep me from drinking my last strawberry daiquiri. I literally got on his lap to get my glass, I ended up rubbing against him a little too much. "Well someone happy to see me," I said after I finally got the drink out of his hand. I can't remember much that except me suggesting to continue the conversation in his room and a lot of moaning and groaning.

Present day
I was in the shower getting ready to go to breakfast with Cassie, Jason, and Jason's family. Cassie was supposed to be the only one meeting them today but, Cassie told Jason that I was her family and  he decide I should come and that how I ended up at breakfast. I decided to wear my semi formal outfit for breakfast.

While I was getting dress Jason called saying that Cassie over heard him on the phone and was freaking out

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While I was getting dress Jason called saying that Cassie over heard him on the phone and was freaking out. I ran over to there room and used the extra key to get in.Jason was trying to talk to Cassie through the bathroom door, "don't you trust me, I would never cheat on you." I decide to intervene when Cassie swear became to much for me to take. "Cassie he not cheating on you, he was talking to his mother." Jason tried to stop me but I kept going, " we are supposed to be meeting his family today and he wanted to surprise you because you tend to freak out." Everything got quite, "tell Jason to go please," Cassie said in a soft tone which told me she was calming down a little. I convinced Jason to leave for a few minutes, once he had shut the door Cassie came out the bathroom. She was half way dress and her makeup was smudged from crying, "god I can't believe I overreact like that now we are going to be late and leave a bad impression on his family." I hugged her because I knew that she was feeling variable right now, "don't worry I will help you fix this, you get ready while I do your makeup." Cassie pick out a nice red outfit from her closet, and I worked hard on her makeup.

After Cassie was ready we decided to go to the breakfast, to our surprise Jason was waiting outside the door, he looked awe struck when he saw Cassie, " I think I just fell in love all over again

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After Cassie was ready we decided to go to the breakfast, to our surprise Jason was waiting outside the door, he looked awe struck when he saw Cassie, " I think I just fell in love all over again." After I finally convinced them that they didn't have an hour to do what they want, we went to the restaurant to meet the family.

When we got to the restaurant there was no one there yet, as we sat down an older couple came into the restaurant and walked over to our table

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When we got to the restaurant there was no one there yet, as we sat down an older couple came into the restaurant and walked over to our table. The woman was short with brown hair and grey eyes. She look to be in her late 40's early 50's, she was walking next to a man around 6'7. He was in his early 50's with black hair, pale skin, and deep green eyes. "Auntie, Uncle you're the first one to make it," Jason said as he went up and hugged them. "Jason my boy how has life been treating you," asked the man with a thick Irish accent. "I am fine uncle, I would like you to meet my girlfriend Cassandra and her friend Brianna." The man look like he was about to give Cassandra a hug, but the woman gave him a tug on his arm. He then switched it to a handshake, he then turned and shook my hand. "Cassie, Bri this is my mom's sister Diana Walsh and her husband Deacon Walsh." Jason said. As we were finishing the introduction another couple walk up. There was a woman who looked exactly like the other Jason's aunt. She was walking next to a man who was 6'6, with white skin tone, brown hair, and brown eyes. "Look like , we made it here just in time," said the man. Jason hugged both of the new arrivals,"hey mom and dad, this is my girlfriend Cassandra and her friend Brianna." After the introduction we all sat down, I noticed there was one more chair next to me."Jason have you seen your cousin," asked Jason's mom. Jason looked around then pointed out someone by the door. I couldn't see who he pointed to, until the person got to the door.

"Crap" I said under my breath

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