3 months part 2

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As I sit in a office decorated with pictures of my doctor's kids, which didn't help with my nervousness. I began playing with my amethyst necklace while I waited, I knew it was only minutes but my brain was telling me it was hours. My doctor walk into the room holding a clip board, her grey eyes scanned the writing on the board while writing down notes. She sat down at her desk causing her brown bob to bounce, her pale skin stuck out on the dark red chair. She then finally looked up with a smile, "congratulations Ms. Baker your test came back positive." I tried to steady my breathing as the news hit me like a ton of bricks. So there is no denying it I am pregnant with David's baby, I silently rested my hands on my belly. "It would seem you are a good three months along," she said while handing me the paper work. That would mean that I was probably pregnant when we left the ship. I was having a panic attack in my head, what would David say when I told him. Would he be happy or will he get angry and dump me for getting pregnant. As I was contemplating what to do, "we can set up an appointment for an ultrasound right now if you want," she said .

Tuesday night

I waited outside the apartment because Cassie didn't want me to chicken out of my date. As I sat on the porch outside a black Cadillac Escalade pulled up, the car almost looks brand new.

 As I sat on the porch outside a black Cadillac Escalade pulled up, the car almost looks brand new

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The window of the passenger side rolled down to reveal David in the driver seat. David was wearing a black suit with a red tie. The way the suit fit him show every muscle he had, I was so distracted by it I didn't realise he was talking. "keep looking at me like that and I may have to cancel our date, " he said as he grabbed me by the waist. David kissed me and then helped me into the truck. As he drove us to the restaurant, I became very aware of my purse. My mind would not leave the idea of the contents of it, I was so preoccupied I did here when David said, "Alright, we're here." As I got out the car the purse began to weigh more than it should, it felt like the purse weighed a ton. As we sat down David began to talk about his security firm and how the amount of clients they have and how the firm has grown. David tried to order champagne when our food came but I talk him out of it, we ended up drinking pop which David raised an eyebrow. As we ate dinner I began to notice that David was acting weird he was checking the time on his watch and was receiving messages on his phone. "You should call them if it is that important that they are constantly texting you," I said trying not to sound annoyed. David looked up from his phone, "no I can't I am suppose to be giving you my attention they can figure out how to fix it themselves," he said as he shut off his phone. At this time the waitress brought our dessert, David was about to dig in when I stop him. "There is something I need to tell you," I said as I dig through my purse for it. I pulled out a picture, It felt like the picture was burning my hand as I handed to him.

David look at the picture and gave a little smirk, David leaned over and kiss me on the lip

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David look at the picture and gave a little smirk, David leaned over and kiss me on the lip. He sat back down and looked at the picture again, "so you're not angry, " I asked when he began to eat his dessert again. David grabbed my hand and kissed it, "of course not, I happy.... and slightly nervous about it but I am not angry and would never be angry." After we finished our dessert and paid the bill, David took me on a walk through a park. He held me close as we walk through the strangely silent night. David's had us sit on a bench near the lake, he had me on his lap as he softly caressed my belly. While looking at the lake I noticed something weird. There was a speedboat riding around the lake with a flag behind it. I got off David's lap to get a close look, the flag was fluttering in the wind which made it harder to see but I barely made out what it said. "Will....you....marry......me......Bri, " I said out loud as I read the sign. Suddenly I heard a crackling noise next to me when I look over I saw David on one knee with a ring in a box.

 Suddenly I heard a crackling noise next to me when I look over I saw David on one knee with a ring in a box

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I couldn't say a word all I could do was hug him and cry.

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