Day 2 (Mexico) part 2

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" I can't believe you talked me into this," I said looking down the zip line that crossed over some of the Mexican beach. As I was being hooked into the harness, I gave a last small prayer to God. It was just me and Cassie for zip lining since the guys wanted to do some competition and Jason's mom and aunt wanted to relax on the beach. "She's hooked up Tom, are you ready to go Miss?" The instructor asked. I nodded my head even though my heart was fluttering like a butterfly. With one quick walk off I went zipping across the beach. Half way across I decided to open my eyes and see where I was going. As everything flew past I enjoyed the view and the wind against my face. By the time I made it to the next stop I was laughing and having fun. Cassie came down soon after, she was bouncing around like a hyper child. She leaned on me and said, "see told you it would be fun,  it you were freaking out." I lead her to the beach so that we could meet up with everyone. "So, what do you think about David," Cassie asked overly innocently. "There is nothing to say, I just meet him a few days ago." I said while trying to look away from her. She didn't buy it, "Bri anyone with eyes can tell that you like each other, and enjoy each other company. Why not take that and try seeing him after the vacation, I believe you guys will make a cute couple." I tried to find a way to change the subject when all of a sudden I was lifted off the my feet. "What the hell," Cassie yelled as she was also lifted over someone shoulder. We were carried to the beach where both Me and Cassie were tossed in the water.

My first instinct was to fight whomever they were, but when I threw a punch it was caught by a large male hand

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My first instinct was to fight whomever they were, but when I threw a punch it was caught by a large male hand. "Hey, no hitting little one we were just goofing off." I looked up to see David laughing at me. He leaned in and kissed me, when I looked over a Jason and Cassie, Jason looked shock. "When did this develop, you guys only known each other a day." Cassie pat him on the head, "so I started dating you the day after we meet why can't they." I hid my face in David's chest as Jason and Cassie talked, when they finally changed the subject they began talking about the restaurant we're eating at when we got back on the ship. The whole time David was sliding his hand down my back, I reached around and moved his hand up. David just gave a little smirk and answered a question Jason asked. Cassie decide she wanted to go shopping so we got out the water and went to change our clothes. I got out first and accidentally over heard a conversation between Jason and David. "Of course I am not serious about her she was just for fun. I don't have any serious feeling for her you can count on that." I heard David say to Jason, "Good I don't want you hurting her feeling," Jason responded.
My heart broke when I heard those words come out of there mouth, I went back into the changing room.

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