Chapter 1

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So I know its been a long time since I have posted but Im going to write a new story, but not about Harry Potter. So please, vote and comment. I really need some reviews. Thanks :)


"For god sake Megan, just give it back!" I moaned, my left hand was placed where my clip on tie should be and one of my bestfriends - Megan - was racing around with it in her hand.

"Rob! Catch!" She shouted. She lunged her arm forward and the tie soared through the air. Robert clasped his hands together narrowly missing. The tie sped through the bush at top speed. Robert reached to get it but I elbowed him out of the way. I fianally got my tie back when Emma and Jessica came over to us.

Emma had light brown hair and always had a side fringe whilst Jessica was quite tall and she would always have a full fringe. These were both my best friends too. Megan came over and we all took a seat in the 'Thyme out area' (a play on words). Emma began: "Miss Cooper just came out and she had a nosebleed, Mr Jardene was behind her like," Emma wiggled around her arms, reinacting what Mr Jardene had done.

"Good," I said, "I dont like her anyway." Robert took a dislike to the conversation and quickly changed the subject.

"Anyone coming out tonight?" He asked. I nodded slightly as we all agreed to meet up at the church at half past four.

That evening I made my way up to the Church with my earphones in listening to Fun - We are young. I reached the Church within 10 minutes where Megan and Robert were already waiting. I greeted them when a couple of minutes later Emma arrived and then Jessica also arrived but with another girl. This girl had shoulder length brown hair and very fair skin.

"Darby?" Robert asked, frowning. Darby's face was lowered and she was sniffling below the gusts of wind.

"Are we going to Rob's field then?" I asked. We crossed the road and reached Robert's street where we clambered through a gity and reached his field. Throughout the whole night Darby was acting up. I went and sat beside her and Emma shortly joined.

"Are you okay?" I asked. She sniffled before beginning.

"I had an argument with my mum. She was moaning at me for not washing the pots and we got in this massive argument about how I dont care. I dont know what she's talking about." She began to cry even more. Me and Emma exchanged sympathetic looks.

"Im sure you'll be fine." I tried to comfort. She forced a weak smile before standing up and wandering off. Megan wandered up to us. "What's the matter with her?"

"She had an argument with her mum," Emma replied.

We all played around for abit whilst Darby stayed in the corner talking on the phone. She stopped and staggered round. I looked at the far end of the field when a small minibus parked up. Darby looked around at all of us and caught my eye. She quickly jumped in. 

"DARBY!" I shouted, attracting the attention of Emma, Megan, Robert and Jessica. I raced up to the minibus, starting to move. I banged on the windows, stopping it and jumped in.

"Im coming with you." I said. I wrapped the seatbelt around me and smiled at her. She looked straight down. Shortly after Emma opened the door. "What're you doing?!" She exclaimed. Robert shoved her and jumped in. He also wrapped it around him.

Megan also squeezed in before the Driver instructed for the door to be closed. Emma hesitated before jumping in and Jessica stood in shock.

"Jess, come on." Darby ushered. Jess didnt obey. The engine roared to life and the car began to move. All our eyes were fixed on the fright emerging in Jessica's beady eyes. They began to water.

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