Chapter 11

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"In." The man said. The black car door was wide open and I figured the order was for me. I entered the car, my eyes searching for any guns or knives. I couldnt be in that situation again.

He closed the door. I watched out of the front windows, looking for any sign of my friends. Nothing.

He sat next to me and, automatically, I could smell the stench of ciggerettes spewing from his odour. I put on my seatbelt and placed my feet on the empty cans and crisps wrappers. He looked at me and grabbed my face again: "You will do as I say, when I say." He spoke. "Get me?"

I managed a nod under the strain I was forced upon. He let go and I could feel the blood rush back to my cheeks. I sat backwards, listening to the winding of his seatebelt. He ignited the car, and backed out.

The police station neared and I was getting nervous. What would he tell me to tell them? Another person did it? Maybe even my friends did it? Or .. I did it.

We parked up at the Police Station Car Park. He looked at me again.

"You tell them.. Tell them that I didnt do it. You tell them it was all a big misunderstanding. Tell them it was you. He poked me in the chest, my heart flooded into my mouth. Tell them.. It was me? This was my worst nightmare. I couldnt possible go through with this... right?

I stopped and stared out of the front window.

"I cant do it." I said, staring right forward.

"Oh yes you can. Or else."

Or else what? He'd hurt me. Kill me? Maybe even Rape me. I was ready for the unexpected. But I knew, somewhere... I'd have to do this. To save my friends. He'd leave them alone afterwards. Wouldnt touch them. My head burst with all these thoughts.

My mother. What would she do? I shot my bestfriend. She would think so bad of me. Well wouldnt she anybody? Thats all I was now. Anyone. Someone. No-one.

I opened the door and stepped out. The wind blowing in my face. Probably the last time it ever would.

He walked me to the station, we both entered. The stench of coffee hit me almost immeadietly. At the counter, a concerned Police Officer stood.

"I'd like to make a statement," I spoke, the man flickered his eyes between me then the man.

"One minute," The police officer left the counter and entered a different room.

"Im just going to the toilet," I said to the other man. My 'Forcer'.

"Dont be long." He ordered. I nodded and walked down the corridor, entering the door baring a black outline of a man.

I walked in and my heart leaped with joy. Nothing could have ever made me happier. I never thought that I would be this happy to see this. I could see... sitting there.. looking as beautiful as ever... the most elegance in the world... a window.

I pushed it, but no luck. I looked around. A toilet brush sat beside the toilet. I picked it up and convinently, it was made of solid metal.

I stood on the sink and placed the brush inbetween the crack. I placed it between the crack and pulled. The window opened.

I used my fingers to pull it open. I pushed myself through it. Well, I never saw myself climbing through a window again.

I fell flat onto the floor and smiled with joy.

"Where do you think you're going?" I turned to see my 'Forcer'. I quickly flung the metal bar at him, smacking him in the leg. He instantly fell to the ground.

I ran through the bushes and out onto the other side. There was a long wall to jump down, I lowered and placed my hands on the ledge and lowered myself onto the floor. I was at the back of a chip shop. I ran around to the front, the toilet brush still in my hands. I threw it onto the floor and ran for my life.

I rounded the corner and suddenly, my friends faces came to light.

"Dylan!" They shouted. They all came in for a hug.

"Turn around and keep walking," I said, looking behind me. The Forcer wasnt there, but I wasnt willing to take the risk.

"Tell us what happened." Darby ordered.

"Taxi first." I reminded.

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