Chapter 8

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I stood. I could hear my breath's calling within the darkness. I whispered; Rob, Emma. Nothing. Complete silence. The light flooded into the room and burnt my eyes. They closed to form a small crack just between my eyelids.

Nothing was out there. Where Darby, Robert and Emma had stood, they were all gone. I walked from round the phone and stared up the large grande stairs. "Emma? Rob? Darby?" I asked into the air. The lightening struck quickly followed by the crush of thunder. I stuck my leg out and placed it on the first step. There was a creak. I was reminded of the scary movies I used to watch with my brother, Andrew.

We would say goodnight to our mum and secretley stay awake upstairs before she came to bed. Then he would always come into my room and show me the dvd's he had gathered. They were always scary. We would sneak down the stairs and put it on, we had to be extremely quiet though. One cough and our mother would storm down the stairs and pelt us with angry words and fustration. I used to hide my whole face behind the pillow's, hoping it would all go away.

Well that's how I feel now, creeping up the isolated stairs, staring at the candle lit lamps on the wall. At the top of the stairs was a big, three quaters of an oval shaped, window. I turned to my left and travelled up them stairs too. At the top was a large semicircle corridor type room. All around were many doors obviously leading to different rooms.

I walked over to the nearest room and yanked the door handle and thrust it open. The blink of an eye, the breath of a shadow, the face of an elderly. She was here. Emily.

"Dylan!" I jumped and placed my hand on my heart. Whoever it was had extremely warm hands. Automatically I had turned and hugged the person behind me. They were cosy. Soft. Comfortable. I stopped and looked up. A confused Emma was looking straight up at me.

"Emma!" I smiled. My eyes flickered to the left of her. Robert stood in the middle of the semi-circle. I ran over to him.

"Where's Darby?"

"Here," Darby was sitting lonely in a corner.

"You okay?" I ask, concerned.

"Yep," She nodded.

"Hello kids," an elderly voice filled the room. We turned to see a smartly dressed man smiling away at us with a grin that would make even the oldest of women cringe.

"Hi," I said.

"Let me show you to your rooms," He gestured with his tea-clothed hand to his left. I looked at Emma. She gave me a look. Is he off his rocker? We all followed the man into the dimly lit room.

Inside on the right nearer the back, a large four poster bed stood silent and dusty. On the left was a set of drawers, half of the drawers were open. As you walked in, the smell of ciggerette's and damp filled your nostrils. You would sooner sleep in a tent than this. But It'll do.

"This'll be your room," He looked at Robert. Robert gave a trying to be grateful look but it just didnt work.

We entered the second room where there was a single bed and a boarded window. Emma was introduced to her room.

Darby entered the stinkiest, filthiest room I had ever seen. It smelt like rotten fish and gone off milk.

The man shown me to my room where I entered cautioslly. The gold varnishings could not be seen under the darkness outside. It gave the room a black and white effect. I thanked the man and jumped onto my bed.

The dust bounced up and into the air. I heard a whisper. Soft. A soft whisper.

"The time has come." I looked at the bottom of my bed. The woman completely dissapeared.

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