Chapter 3

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The three police men and the taxi driver took me, Robert and Megan outside. We all exchanged really serious and regretful looks at eachother whilst the driver explained that there were two more of us. They hand used handcuffs on us because apparently we were too young. We watched as, in the distance, two people exited out of the Hospital. Suddenly the taller man caught my eye. It was Mr Jardene, beside him, was a bandaged nose Miss Cooper.

Immeadietly they came storming accross, and the police officers knew, there would be an argument. The three of them stood, their backs facing us. "Psst," we heard from the background. I looked left and right and couldnt find the source.

"Psst." The sound was even louder now. I looked behind me and Darby was peering her head around the corner of the cinema, leading onto the carpark. I quietly gathered the attention of Megan and Robert and we all silently rounded the corner. We all made a break for it quickly through the fire exit doors. We heard many footsteps run past the door.

"Hide!" Darby whispered. We were in a dimly lit room that contained old movie projectors and many dirty desks and tables. On the far right hand side was a set of metal stairs. "Up there!" I pointed and we all stomped up the stairs. We came to the top where I realised we had gone to far. I opened the door and the gusts of wind blew into my face therefore I was unable to open my eyes fully.

We were standing on the roof, looking out at the town.

"Im scared." Emma whimpered. We all scattered the roof, looking for places to get down. We looked over the edge at the confused Policemen roaming around. At the back of the building, a group of ladders hung over the edge. Megan pointed this out and one by one we made our way down. We climbed over the back wall and into a group of bushes. We could hear the clip clop of Miss Cooper's heels heading towards us. We all hid behind the bush before backing into the small woods.

"What now?" Darby asked. She pulled out her phone. "No battery. No money."

Robert cleared his throat and pulled out the wad of cash.

"Where did you get all that from?!" Megan exclaimed.

"I found it. I was lying in a brown envelope beneath a slab."

"Yeah but still. We have no where to go. We're in the middle of nowhere." Suddenly the passing noise of a train rolled into the air and swiftly entered our ears.

"I dont know about you guys," Darby wandered up to Robert and took two £50 notes, "Im going to London."

"What and get us into more mess?" I asked. Darby looked down.

"What do you expect us to do? We cant hang round here all day. Were theives now. There aint no doubt about that." She replied.

"Im going. I just want to be safe. Ive lost my phone too." Emma's tears dropped down her face.

"Me too.. there we might be able to get help from police who dont know what we did." Robert appointed.

"Megan?" I asked. She wandered over and stood by Darby.

"London it is then."

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