Chapter 10

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AN: As you can tell.. The story is coming to an end. But please continue to read. The twists will grip you.


We had walked for around half an hour and already we had come to a town. We all looked like tramps. Walking around in very dirty and wet clothes. Our haires werent exactly the best. Messy in places. We hadnt had time to clean ourselves up either, so the stench of bad breath, sweat and smoke kinda' followed us round.

The town was hardly big, but was actually busy. The streets were lined with several large trees that shaded us whenever we walked past. The shops, also, were extremely busy.

"Shall we buy some clothes?" I asked, wasnt exactly the best time to go clothes shopping, but we couldnt walk around like this.

"Not clothes, havent enough. But we can got toothrbushes, toothpaste and deodrant? Hair brushes and that?" Robert stated.

We entered Morrison's. A very large supermarket.

Inside we bought; Two bottles of toothpast, 4 toothrbushes, a hair brush, lynx - Mens deodrant - and Simple - Women's body spray. We all split up to the toilets where we could well groom ourselves.

Me and Robert, brushed our teeth, washed our faces and armpits - as per usual - and sprayed. We knew the stench would probably follow us. But we just had to accept it.

We wandered out of the supermarket toilets, placing all of our toiletries into our bag. Robs face dropped as my eyes averted to where his eyes were fixed. The man. The man with the gun. The one who had shot Megan. He was there. Standing there. Looking happy as ever.

"What do we do?" I asked.

"We cant let him see us," he began "He'll probably kill us. He can go to prison for us calling the police."

Shortly Darby and Emma joined us. They both looked exceptionally normal.

"Look who it is," Robert pointed. The greasy haired man was chatting to a woman with blonde hair, they both laughed before he walked off.

"Lets go," Darby said. We wandered to the doors when the shouting started.

"Oi! You!" We turned to see the Man's face scrunches into a v. Meaning he wasnt exactly happy.

"Run!" Emma shouted. It seemed that we had all already gotten the idea, but split into different places. The car park was abnormally large therefore I Placed myself behind a trolley shelter, watching the man through the plastic.

He looked left and right. The woman was dragging him back in but he wouldnt have any of it. His eyes scoured the car park until, finally, they met mine.

My legs pushed me up and my arms sprung out to balance me, but I smacked my hand against the shelter.

I peered round at the sprinting man. I jumped from behind the shelter and rain straight forward.

Climb the wall, I thought, Get to the wall and climb!

The wall entered my reach and I jumped, my hands hanging on the ledge. I used my feet to place on the overhanging bricks. I pushed myself up before two hands grabbed me and I was thrust down, hard onto the concrete.

My elbow hit the floor and it became a shock. I whimpered in pain and ushered back as he gained upon me. The girl was no longer with him and it was quiet up here.

What would he do to me? Kill me perhaps?

His arm towered above me, I glared as he came to bring it down.

"WAIT!" I shouted. He stopped. My face was turned sideways and I was squinting, but when I didnt feel pain, I continued to speak.

"I'll tell the police, you didnt.. shoot Megan." I opened my eyes. He looked at me.

"You'll do that?" He asked, he leant down to me and grabbed my cheekbones. His face was a centimetre away. The stench of beer lingered from his mouth up my nostrils. I wanted to gag.

"I will."

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