Chapter 9

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Dear Darby,

We can stop this. Stop this today. Right now. All you have to do is think about the amount of pain that your mother is being forced to endure. I bet any money she's terribly scared. Its the best thing. Emma knows the way back. We can go. All you have to do is believe.

The letter was in the envelope and was ready. I stood from the bed and walked across to the door, exiting and over to Darby's. I bent down and slid the letter under her door, I knocked twice before running back to my room. I closed the door quietly so she wouldnt know it was me that sent the letter.

I sat on the bed. I slid the red box under my pillow and lay down ontop of the dusty cover. I drifted off into a restless sleep.

The smoke filled my nostrils and mouth as I awoken choking. The black smoke was piling form under the door.

I grabbed the box from under the pillow and stood up. I flung the door open and the sight was astonishing. Infront of me was a big blazing red and yellow fire.

"Dylan!" Rob was calling from across the blaze, "get Darby!" I looked to my right at the unopened door. 

The fire blocked me off from Robert, he was standing beside Emma - her face was a picture of pure horror.

"What happened?!" I shouted.

"I dont know!" Roberts hand extended to the unconcious man on the floor. He was lying, One hand on his stomach, whilst the other lengthened onto the floor.

Darby, I remembered. The fire was so close to her door i had to force my way through it, scaring my white skin. I opened the door. The room lay empty of any human life. The bed was unmade and scruffy and the letter was no longer behind her door. I continued to clutch the box in my hands.

I exited the room. The heat from the fire bounced off my skin, leaving me flustered and sweaty.

"She's not there!" I shouted. I pointed to behind Rob, "The bathroom!"

I edged along the wall, dodging the high flames. Suddenly the box fell from my hand, into the burning flames.

"Dylan quick!" Emma cried.

I couldnt leave the box, not now. Shoving my hand into the fire, I screamed in pain as the hot red metal box scorched my head and I flung it to the stairs, hearing it bang down. I edged to the end of the fire and ran past, jumping over some of the flames.

Emma grabbed my arm as I reached her, I looked. Her face was reflecting the fear of the flames. Suddenly the door flung open and Darby and Rob appeared.

"Lets go then!" Rob shouted.

"The man?!" I shouted, The fire was surrounding him now.

"It was his fault Dylan! He fell asleep witht he ciggarette!" Rob shouted, Emma's tight loosened as she backed away. i took last one look and raced down the steps. The box was awaiting me at the bottom. It sat, not so red, but black as well. Burnt from the roaring flames.

I took it into my grip and headed straight for the entrance doors. Pushing them open, the force of the explosion hit me. I sped through the air, cruising straight into a pile of freshly mown grass from the morning before.

I lay motionless for a while, in the wet and soggy pile of grass. The red box still clutched in one hand. I wasnt prepared to let go.

I lifted my head up, it caused me pain, but it was bareable.

I looked around. Robert was already standing and was helping up Darby. Where was Emma?

Splashes notified me of a presence from behind. I crawled up and looked straight ahead. Through the trees I could see an unsettled small lake. A girl climbing out.

"Emma," I sighed, jogging up to her.

"Its a mirracle you missed those trees!" I stated.

"I know," She cringed, I was guessing her ankle had hit the water bed.

Robert and Darby shortly joined us. "I hate this, why cant we go home?" he asked, sitting on the floor.

I edged closer and patted him on the back. I looked at Darby. She looked straight down. She knew what I meant. The letter. The one that I had previosuly sent to her. The fire of the building glared in the back. I began to cry. The pain. Pressure. Depression.

It was all just so draining. I couldnt handle it.

"Okay, okay," Darby said, my head sharpened, "I'll make up with my mum." She looked down.

Before I knew it, my arms were wrapped around her as I took her in got a big hug. Another pair of arms soon joined. These were Roberts. Small and bony. Emma, however, struggled to stand, but eventually came over and hugged.

"Call the fire bregade," I ordered Darby after the hug had deteriated. Her single sign of obeyance was a nod.

"Ive still got the money," Rob held out the wad full of money, hidden in a food bag.

"Looks like we'll get a taxi but not here, hell be distracted about the fire. We'll just call the bregade then go." I added.

Once they were called we turned around and wandered down the road.

I could see the sun peering above the trees. This would be our final day.

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