Chapter 12

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The black car stopped beside us and we all filled in. Emma was in the front whilst Me, Robert and Darby was sitting in the back.

"You went to the Police Station?" Darby asked, astonished. I nodded.

"Where did you guys get to?" I asked.

"Well, when he came out of Morrisons, I ran and hid behind a car where Darby followed me and Emma was somewhere near you. She saw you get in his car. She came and told us. We were very worried. I didnt know what to do. We decided to go looking for you." Robert answered.

"Wait, wears my box. Do you still have it?" I ordered.

"Right here," He shown me it, "what is it with you and the box?"

I took it, "Its just, special now." I took it in my arms.

"Guys we've been through alot together these past weeks, and I just want to say, Im glad we're making it home." Rob smiled. We all did at that point.

"Well, we've managed to rob a taxi, find money, get shot, buy a tent, go to London, break out of hospital, involved in a fire, cause a lorry crash, have a car crash. Woah. That is alot." I said looking at them all, they began to laugh.

"I wonder if Megan is okay," I said frowning.

"Well, she was shot in the leg," Darby said.

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot, here," Robert said, handing me Two Twenty-pound notes.

"Whats this?" I ask.

"Your share of the money."

"My share?"

"Yes.. I split it up. We all get out share of the money left."

"Cool," I smiled and nodded, putting the money in the box. In there, I saw something different. The letter I sent Darby. I turned it over in my hands. 'Thanks x'. I looked at her, she looked down.

"Whats that?" Rob asked.

"Nothing," I put it back. looking at the black stained red box.

The cab pulled over at the field we started off at. The smell of the green grass appealed to me and I smiled.

"We're back." I smiled and we all exiled into a big group hug.

"See you Rob." I said smiling at him. He lived down an opposite way. We all waved after him as he jogged away into the evening light. The sky burned the colour of red and I looked at Darby.

"Would you like me to walk you home?" I asked, she smiled and nodded.

"I will too," Emma generously spoke.

We walked across the field, my memories I had once forgotten, flooding back. The box was with me. In the Morrisons bag I was carrying. I could feel the bangs against my leg.

We walked in silence until we were across the road from her house.Tears poured down her cheeks.

I looked at number 11 Wodfrey Road. Staring at the brown polished door. At the police car in the driveway. Suddenly, the front door opened. Two Police man appeared, exiting the house saying goodbye to a middle aged wooman.

"Mum." Darby whispered. It was as if her mother had super hearing, her head jolted towards Darby.

"DARBY!" She screamed. The police men turned towards Darby.

Mum! She screamed immeadietly, she sped straight into the road.

The screech of a car. The screech of a woman. My hearing blanked out, my eyes blurred as if powder had just been thrown at me. The lump was shoved into my throat.

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