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After a week since Alex and James got back together, and Alex was now really home with him. They had decided to throw the baby shower at our place, the shower party wasn't limited to ladies only cause lads were organizing it

They were literally doing nothing related to work but they were all busy in prepping the baby shower, we were lacking some recordings behind our schedule but they weren't ready to work. The studio had all the ribbons, gift boxes, and various props, which were supposed to be surprise for us.

"It better be purple bitch" Alex shouted on phone while ordering the flowers

"Alex" I flared my nostrils while placing the coffee mug in front of her when she hanged up the phone

"the flowers aren't according to my theme Jas" Alex was stressed as hell that she just wasn't only crying that time

"and why exactly everything has to be purple Alex?" Louis asked annoyingly and Alex gave him deadly glares

"we can put white flowers in contrast honey" James suggested and she let out a big sigh before laughing

"why I didn't come across this idea" she pulled his cheeks

"you're stressing yourself out, baby shower is next week" I said and she rolled her eyes

"Jas! Its not about you, its about me becoming auntie" she took sip from her coffee and I surrendered my hands in the air

"well I won't wear purple got it" Louis said while laughing

"you can wear white" I said and he nodded his head. Then my phone buzzed on the coffee table, I picked it up and went outside the lounge to attend the call from my mother

"I hope you're also inviting Hala" after little chat my mother came to the point and my nerves got worried at once

"I think it isn't possible for me to invite her, as Alex is arranging everything and only close friends and family are invited mom" I gave all my possible reasons to not invite her

"but she's also your sister" she squealed

"cousin maa! There's difference" I argued back

"I guess then I won't be able to come as well, pay my regards to Harry, bye" before I could say something she hanged up the phone

"what happened my beautiful wife?" Harry embraced my bump from behind and whispered in my ear

"it was mom! She wants me to invite Hala as well otherwise she won't come" Harry quickly came in front of me while frowning at my statement

"that's what she said" I shrugged and he laughed while holding my arms

"now I know why are you so stubborn you got that from your mother" he teased me and I frowned and opened my mouth to say something but ended up laughing along with him. We walked towards the swing of our studio on terrace to sit there

"but what's wrong in inviting her?" Harry asked and I was looking at my bump clueless

"I don't know" I said and he laughed while nuzzling his nose in my neck

"mom wouldn't ask you to invite Rayyan" Harry defended mom and I rolled my eyes at the thought of him being invited to our party

"I just don't want any negativity around my children" I looked into Harry's eyes and he knew that I was scared, scared of Rayyan that he might come back to torture me like he did at our anniversary party

"you don't have to be scared, I'm with you Jas" he cupped my cheeks boring his green orbs into mine, he kissed me

"yes all the invitations are sent my highness" Niall bowed in front of Alex when she was constantly scolding them all. We invited Hala as well because we had no choice in front of the blackmailing of my mother

"so yes! Everything is perfectly ready for baby shower to be thrown even tomorrow" Liam said and Alex flipped her hair playfully

"you all are ignoring work for baby shower, its not good" I said while tugging the throw pillow near my chest

"I told you its not about you" Alex frowned and everyone else laughed


"you look gorgeous Jas" Alex hugged me when she saw me in the purple dress she bought for me, and it was painfully tight around my waist but I wanted Alex to be happy so I had to wear it

"you too harry" Alex also hugged Harry when she saw him in white suit according to her theme

"shall we" Alex bowed dramatically for us to walk forward where all the surprise setup was done and hopefully all the guests were arrived except for us both. when we went there, we were welcomed by incredible confetti, we met and greeted everyone.

The party was incredible, lads had organized fun games for every family member and every friend. The supper for tea was also really good. but when the dinner was served I realized that Hala didn't come

"are you sure you invited her?" my mother asked frowning her eyebrows, still doubtful at me

"yeah! Mom I did" I sighed when Mom left my arm when she'd drag me from between the people. It wasn't for the first time she was reacting for her niece or nephew. I was kinda habitual of this reaction

"its okay if she couldn't make it up" Harry cupped my cheeks when I tell him about mother's reaction in the corner, just then I saw Hala entering the event, she went straight to my mom to meet her,

"come" harry forced dragged me towards her to meet her

"congratulations Jasmin" she gently rubbed my belly before hugging me with a smile, she seemed normal and she was doing good since I saw her last at her mother's funeral. Her brown eyes were again shinny like they used to be

"thank you, I'm glad you're here" I smiled pulling back from her hug

"okay! Now we've the gender reveal cake, drum rolls please"

Hoor brought a beautiful and captivating cake on a trolley and we both were given knife to cut the cake, when the cake was cut both blue and pink colors were present and I burst into joyous tears, and it was the reason Alex had put the purple color to nearest contrast in everything.

SINCEREST [Part 2]Where stories live. Discover now