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This chapter is dedicated to all the strong women out there.

Here's to strong women.
May we know them.

May we be them.
May we raise them.

"why are you here Jas? You shouldn't be here these days" Alex hugged me when I entered the studio

"I was homesick guys, this studio is my home" I said

"she was missing you guys, and crying continuously thats why I brought her here" Harry said

"and my due is next week so its fine" I fanned my arms in the air when I felt that Alex was about to debate on my health routine

"Jas alone was enough, now her hormones roller coaster" Alex teased me and I chuckled while nodding my head, knowing she ain't wrong, I'm a cry baby

"what about writing, hows it going so far" I asked because its been three weeks I wasn't working along with Harry too, he took days off since it was last month of pregnancy and harry wanted to make these days special for both of us

"lads are doing great, in fact they're in the lounge" Alex said as we paced towards the lounge

"looks who's here" Niall screamed with joy and hugged us both

"panda mama" Louis teased and hugged me

"you shouldn't be here Jas" Liam said and I nodded

"well this sentence doesn't work on her" Harry said and I scrunched nose, everyone awed when Jessy and Jasper came running towards me wiggling their tails

"I missed you guys" I hugged them in awe with the happy lump in my throat and suddenly I felt a strong blow in my lower abdomen and at once my nerves jammed, and when it happened again I sudden cry left my throat and all of sudden I collapsed on the floor

"Jas! What happened" Harry screamed leaping towards me and picked me up from the ground

"I dont know" I screamed at the same intensity when the pain paralysed my lower body

"her water is broke idiots, pick her up, throw her in the car" Alex shouted at the top of her lungs and everyone else was panicking including me

"everything's gonna be okay Jas! Trust me" Harry was continuously soothing me and the intensity of my emotions was at peek, when Alex was wrapping me with the towels, when they put me in the car

"what the hell is wrong with the traffic now?" Alex screamed when our car wasn't moving fast

"No mam! Its fine" The driver stuttered and the car moved more faster

"You're kidding me? Drive faster you idiot, can't you see two tiny humans are coming to the world through this lady" she slammed the driving seat while peaking to the front seat and screaming at the top of her lungs

"harry! I dont think that I'll survive" I uttered through the waves of pain

"no! don't talk like that, everything's gonna be fine" Harry said while holding my hand

"shut the hell up Jas! You're gonna beat up the asses of your children today, so shutup!" Alex shouted while holding my other hand

"you shutup! Everyone shutup!" I screamed in so much pain of contractions

"I've called Anne, she'll be there too" Niall said while hanging up the phone

"its here, the hospital is here" Louis screamed and they jumped out of the car, I dont know how they all fit in our car and how they were managing everything, but all I observed was love and support. I was put onto a wheelchair and they were all dramatically screaming at the nurses and in mere minutes I was in labour room and on epidural, thankfully. And the doctors were waiting for the dilation.

"I'm scared Harry" I said through the tears besides I was a little at peace

"don't be scared, they're the brilliant doctors, and most importantly I'll be here the whole time, I promise" He kissed my forehead

"I just didn't plan the whole scenario like this" I laughed through the tears and everyone laughed

"no one did, this scenario is planned by your damn tiny humans" Alex said

"You all should wait outside now, the patient must not be disturbed" a doctor said

"I'm really not disturbed but yeah! I will be uncomfortable giving birth in front of all of you" I laughed and another birth pang blew the life out of me and the nurses kicked out all of them except Alex and Harry, cause Alex wasn't ready to leave me alone

The intense minutes of struggling through life and death were terrifying, that moment I realized the worth of a woman, a woman cannot tell how strong she is until she's giving birth. A woman is undoubtedly powerful, no wonder why they name every strong tsunami after women.

I was resting my head lifelessly on the pillow case, just when I was told that boy and girl are safe and sound, I was at peace, not physically but emotionally. I just closed my eyes hearing everyone else in the room, including the weak cries of babies. I opened my eyes when I felt a warm palm on my forehead with a kiss

"Jas!" harry whispered in my ear, I opened my eyes to his smiling face

"look! How tiny she is" a little thing was wrapped up in the towels, he brought her closer to my neck and placed her near my chest, her little mewls melt me. Alex also brought him near my chest which brought tears to my eyes, and when I carried them both in my arms, I forgot if I was really ever in pain.

"thank you Jas! You're a badass" harry hugged me and kissed the side of my forehead, and at that moment I realized those little joyous bundles completed us.

Congratulations babies!

So so sorry for the very late update and a very short chapter, I was hella busy and my laptop betrayed me, I had to type through my cell phone.

More surprises are coming on the way

All the love!

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