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Harry's POV

5 years later

"All this time has passed, I haven't been able to find someone to love, I gave all my heart to you. Nael and Anna are going to school now, I learned how to braid Anna's hair and I will teach Nael how to tie up shoe laces, if only you were here, you would have known what it's like to play mother and father all at once" I smiled when I penned down on my diary

"It's been everyday, I write about you, I write for you, I came back to life because that's what you had always wanted for me, to stay happy" I got up and walked towards terrace to enjoy my coffee whilst taking the morning view of garden

"Writing schedule from nine to five" my calendar reminded me, I picked up my journal along with me and left for studio

"I enter the studio everyday, I see people who were always there by my side when you were gone, if it wasn't for them, I'd still be there in the dark time of my life, they give me hope and most importantly they remind me of you"

"Hey champ, growing this beard eh!" Zayn lifted his eyebrows examining my face, while typing on laptop

"No man I just got lazy today" I said while scratching my beard.

"Yeah! Losing you was the difficult test of my life, but it also brought out these beautiful little things in my life, like Zayn coming back in the band, Tuesday family lunches on which everyone gather no matter what and talk their hearts out, Alex's less tantrums because she knows only you could have handled them best"

"Why didn't you shave" Alex hit me the rolled newspaper on shoulder playfully, "it doesn't looks bad, does it" Alex squinted her eyes while tilting her head to side, and I simply shrugged laughing it off

"Nope it doesn't, it looks perfect" Liam said while handing me the laptop

"I wouldn't say that I'm the strongest, but, when ever I hear the phrase 'everything happens for a reason', they don't really mean that the reason is always good, but I would say losing you wasn't bad after all, because I didn't lose you, you are everywhere, I hear you, I see you in Nael and Anna, your diaries, your clothes, your office, our home, this studio , it still smells like you, losing you just taught me how to get through anything just by thinking what would Jasmin do about it"

"Well hello you brought Jasmin today" Niall pointed towards my journal and I nodded with smile

"I just know, she reads it" I answered

"She sure does bro" Niall winked at me

"It's not like that I was stable just after you left me, I wasn't stable for months, Alex took after our kids and when their first birthday approached Alex managed everything, of course. She wanted everything to be magical just like you would have done it"

"Good morning Harry" Lucy greeted me handing over my coffee

"Good Morning lu"

"our new Personal Assistant, after you, Alex took your place but Lucy filled in for Alex. Alex really didn't like her, she always had troubles with her, but as we made sure Lucy was familiar with Alex's this side so Lucy was patient enough with her, to help her through the loss and also to accept Lucy. Alex cried her heart out one day and I listened to her and assured her that she doesn't have to give Lucy your place, and after that she finally accepted Lucy"

"The other day I noticed that Anna's smiles just like Jasmin" Louis told me and I let out a small chuckle

"I see in her eyes, I see Jasmin" I said and he nodded

"I miss her" Louis said leaving a sigh he looked into his coffee mug

" I was mad at God for taking you away from me, I didn't worship Him for months, because I was mad at Him, but one day when I cried in sujood to mourn you, I felt relieved, I realized that God is there to help us through the pain and suffering, which shapes us into the strongest been which I am today"

"What are you smiling at" Zayn teased Alex, who was smiling toothily looking on her phone screen

"Zack just sent me the cutest text ever" Alex blushed and everyone teased her hauling and hooting making her more embarrassed

"Stop it you guys" she covered her face

"Alex is the strongest person I know, she went through Divorce and played the God mother role for our kids with nothing but smile on her face. When she finally decided to move on after being convinced by us, I decided to make sure she does it the right way, so I set her up with the brilliant friend Zachary, cause she deserves happiness. and of course James was in cell for two years but he's out now, he tried to reach me and apologize to me, but I wasn't strong enough to face him, one day I will face him to forgive him"

"I'm excited for the tour" Lucy said squealing like a kid

"Can I bring Zack with me on tour" Alex said making her usual puppy face

"Of course you can" Lucy said and everyone again teased her

"I simply want to let you know, that I'm happy Jasmin, I'm happy that I'm lucky enough that I  got to be your husband, your life partner, and that I have wonderful kids with you, I got to spend enough time to get to know the positive side of this world. I am lucky enough to know that most of the nights you only thought about me, and also that we have those magical moments I shall cherish till my last breath, because they made me happy, and they are spent with you. I'm happy Jas, seeing our kids grow into wonderful people you would have wanted them to be, I teach them your kindness with your words, I love everything about my life more than ever, remembering you has always gave me hope to life, I'm happy Jas, but this life would have been too wonderful to be real if you were here, I'm half a heart without you"

SINCEREST [Part 2]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن