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Its been two months since Nael and Anna came in our world and filled the spaces we didn't even know we had in our lives. It has been a wonderful experience, exhausting with sleepless nights too but still wonderful. Being a mommy is an indescribable feeling, you try your best and be your best for those tiny bundles of joy to fulfil the needs and inadequacies in life you suffered through, you just want to be there for them. Sitting on the side of the bed I was looking at my family, Harry and kids. God indeed praises you when you're patient enough, and I got the best reward in the world

"Mommy won't listen" harry said and threw stuffed minion at my face playfully

"Oh my God" I laughed coming back to my trance "I'm sorry" I mumbled leaning in Naels face and kissed his cheek

"where were you mommy?" harry laughed while tickling my neck

"I was just adoring you guys, you look so cute while playing with them" I scrunched my nose while booping his, he held my hand and drew me closer to him

"you are even more gorgeous now, I'm grateful that you're my partner" he leaned in closing his eyes and kissed me I kissed him back for a few seconds and pulled back

"not in front of babies" I teased him with the smirk and he delved back again and kissed me more, Anna started crying and we had to pull back again, I picked her up and I knew it was her meal time. Nael started crying too as he filled his diaper

"code brown" I laughed while holding Anna

"I'll take booty one you take care of the booby one" harry picked up Nael and took him to their room. It was our routine, as much as we appreciated a helping hand we loved doing their duties on our own. When harry came back I was breastfeeding Anna

"hello big fellows" Harry greeted my boobs and I laughed Nael patiently waited for his turn

"I'll lay them down for nap" harry cuddled them both after they finished their meal and I wrapped them with blanket

"you sure?" I asked concerned

"very much sure" he whispered and winked at me

My phone chimed it was Alex's text to meet her at the coffee shop, I showed the text to harry and he frowned

"but I thought you're on your maternity leave" Harry said

"yeah maybe its not work related, maybe she wants to hang out today we were deciding to go out this weekend" I shrugged my shoulders

"you can go, if you want to, but take Bob with you" harry said worryingly, because it was the first time I was going alone after babies were born, I barely did twice or thrice public appearances only with harry, I didn't feel much confident enough to go out after babies, it was the hormones I  guess, this is the only reason harry wanted me to go out that day, as much as concerned he was he desperately wanted me to get back to my normal confident level.

"don't worry baby, I'm fine on my own today" I said getting up from the bed

"I know you are, but Bob is a yes" he tried to convince me in a louder voice but Anna whimpered in her half sleep and he scrunched his nose while rocking her immediately, I chuckled while checking my wardrobe

"its just,.. I feel awkward" I bat my eyelashes and displayed my front teeth "blue or white" I held two shirts in front of him

"not again Jas" harry sighed and flared his nostrils, "the blue one"

"its just,.. we're buying diapers he's there, I'm getting my nails done he's there, we're getting coffee I see his cute bald head right in my face, I mean he's constantly watching, he's probably eavesdropping right now, he might as well catch us up canoodling peacefully in our bedroom" I was trying to whine in my most possible low voice but I sounded more like a squeaky toy

"Jas, you're too much" Harry laughed quietly

"you don't get it" I watched him folding my arms, laughing at me, and then I went to bathroom to get dressed

"you look ravishing,.. but leave your hair alone" harry said when I was standing in the mirror and tying my hair in the bun

"really?" I asked, not sure about how I'm really looking

"yes, its not a mommy hang out, its a girls day out" he carefully put on the duvet cover on kids and walked towards me

"you're right" I smiled when harry pulled me closer grabbed my butt and kissed me softly, he pulled back and turned me around we were facing the mirror and I let out a little laugh watching our adorable reflection, it was perfect, more than I could ever wish for, as if all my prayers were answered.

"you are forgetting something" harry pulled back and placed the same diamond pendant he gifted me on our anniversary, on my neck

"how could I forget this" I whispered and he smooched my neck inhaling my scent I closed my eyes in fondness of that very moment, I didn't want to let go of this moment

"you smell incredible,.. like baby butts" I opened my eyes in shock and I looked in his eyes

"the non poopy butts, more like fresh butts" he added and I let out a big laugh and only covered my mouth with my both hands afterwards seeing the kids still asleep

"thank God you're adorable" I planted several smooches on his face, his phone chimed in midway only interrupting us

"is it the bad timing to tell you that Bob is waiting outside" he smiled toothily at me and I nodded in yes

"just buy him a coffee, he'll sit on next table" Harry leaned his forehead on mine

"sounds good" I chuckled before checking the room refrigerator

"milk is in refrigerator, make sure you warm it up, but not too warm, call me if anything comes up, or they're cranky, I'll come back" I was talking and harry held my arms

"Jas! Im their father, I know all stuff, we've been doing this for a while, trust me, I can handle this, I've got this" he assured me and kissed my forehead

"let me just say goodbye to them, I know they're sleeping" I looked at their adorable faces, my heart just sunk for unknown reason I wanted to cancel the plans at the moment and stay with my babies that time. I planted soft kisses on their cheeks and tucked them up real nicely in the duvet my eyes filled with tears and I got up harry was already looking at me

"have fun" Harry said standing at the door folding his arms

"I love you Harry, you're an amazing life partner" I hugged him

"I love you too dummy, and you're the best life partner" he waved goodbye as I went downstairs towards the main door

Woooow! Hi!!

Yeah I was pretty dead, I was dealing a lot with my depression this whole year, I literally forgot how the hell one is supposed to live, anywaaaayyss! Long-short story I decided to not let the bloody depression decide who tf I am, and what can't I do. I'm writing again, I'm singing again, I'm painting again, I'm somehow happy again. Sooo thats how I wrote the chapter, sorry for unknown errors and sorry if I don't really sound like the old chapters, but here's what I brainstormed when I started writing the story earlier, I hope you enjoy and I'm looking forward for more support

Love you guys

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