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"slow down" Louis said from passenger seat, as I was driving really fast, I sighed and looked at the meter I indeed was driving really fast

"how much distance is left?" I asked louis who was tallying the GPS to our respective address

"three and a half kilometer" he answered and I sighed before pressing the accelerator again, louis was freaking out a little but he didn't stop me now. the GPS took us to a strange construction site, the buildings screamed the word kidnapping themselves, we stayed there outside, Alex Niall and Liam weren't there yet, they informed the police and SWAT team ordered us to direct them towards the location and also to not make a move without their consent inside the building, so that the SWAT team could take over the location for everyone's security.

"they said fifteen minutes" Louis hung up the phone as Alex had informed him the approximate timing they'd be here, I was walking to and fro outside the car, ruffling my hair in anxiety I took a deep breath in before making a decision

"Rayyan will know we're here, fifteen minutes is too late for us to be standing here and do nothing" I said in low tone

"but Harry, it isn't safe for anyone, we don't even know how much weapons does he have, how many people are in his kidnapping army, do you have any weapon? No, seriously why don't you have any weapon right now?" Louis frowned before tapping my pockets and I sighed in annoyance

"I don't have any weapons, but Louis my wife is in there, and I would do anything to save her" I pleaded him

"anything as in,.. making the right decision Harry, you should wait here, its been all day we can wait for fifteen minutes more, right?" Louis said rubbing my shoulders and I nodded agreeing with him. we were watching the buildings, from where we stood afar, just then my sight fell on a familiar silhouette approaching towards somewhat broken gates

"Jas" I whispered and I couldn't helped myself and I paced towards her slowly, I smiled when I recognized the dress she wore today, joy of the realization to see my wife alive was priceless

"Jas" I called her name, as she was running towards me, I broke into joyous tears her smile beamed in the sunset, my heart silently told me that this day was finally getting over now, she's okay, she's safe. just then there was a disturbing gun shot crack noise in the air, that filled the terror in our bodies, her steps froze for a moment

"Harry" She screamed my name and next thing I knew she was hugging me, the bullet crossed my shin and I fell on my knees

"oh Harry" she was crying, I came into stance, the bullet didn't hurt me, she was pressuring the wound and I cupped her cheeks and I smiled before kissing her forehead

"you're okay" I whispered and tears brimmed down my face

"I am okay Harry" she held my hand and kissed on my palm, then she kissed my cheeks and pulled me into hug again

"harry, Jas, come into the car" Louis shouted from inside the car and I saw three men running towards us with weapons, Jas lifted me up straight and I put my arm around her and we tried to reach the car, the pain was shooting in my leg and car was at a quite distance

"Jasmin Stop!" Rayyan shouted, and Jas stopped I was surprised to see her reaction, she slowly turned around and walked towards Rayyan

"Jas what are you doing! NO!" I shouted

"you aren't hurting Harry, at any cost" she stopped at quiet a distance from me and fanned her arms, she shouted at the top of her lungs

"oh I am, and I will" Rayyan's laughter howled around the buildings, he stretched out his gun again and Jas stood there un bothered, bravely, just to protect me. when he pulled the trigger I ran towards Jas and turned her around before hugging her to protect her, I closed my eyes but this time Gunshot didn't hurt me, I saw Jas was fine too in my arms, I quickly turned around only to see James was holding Rayyan's hand up towards the air, the bullet was shot in the sky luckily

"you Bastard" Rayyan jolted his hand through James' grip and hit the gun on his head, his head started bleeding from side

"Harry! run, he will kill you, it was his trap to call you here, he wants to get rid of you" Jas was shivering badly in my arms but she tried to cover me up from Rayyan again

"what did you think Jas, you're too prompt or too smart to escape from here? I was watching you, and I'm fully aware of the fact your little husband informed the police, so now I have to get rid of him as quickly as possible" Rayyan squealed like a loser he always was, he took a grip on James' collar and put his forearm around his neck and pointed the gun barrel on his forehead before pulling him closer

"you move one step away from me, I kill James and then Harry, the choice is yours" Rayyan clicked the trigger and Jas whimpered

"let them go Rayyan, talk to me" I surrendered my hands in the air to let him know that I'm unarmed and I stepped side to side with Jas

"I don't talk bud, my gun will do all the talking" Rayyan pointed the gun towards me and then again at James, I looked towards James, he was guilty, he was ashamed, but God knows why he was helping us that moment, maybe he was trying to repent from his sins

"Harry go away" Jasmin whispered again but I looked in her eyes and I didn't move

"for the sake of our kids" her voice broke and when I blinked, tears brimmed down my face, she held my hand and before I could say anything we were interrupted

"James!" Alex shouted from the gateway, she was alone, I was surprised to see her alone but I knew we were surrounded by police, we were somehow safe, Of course not here with Rayyan's gun

"How could you? I believed in you" Alex screamed and I noticed she was back in her sober usual state

"Honey! I will explain" James whimpered in Rayyan's grip

"Enough of this bloody talk" Rayyan shouted at the top of his lungs and shot in the air again, Alex Jas and I covered our ears, I don't know about anyone else, but I couldn't hear anything else at the moment, there was deafening ringing in my head due to that gunshot, I really couldn't hear anything, I saw SWAT team dashed inside, from every corner of the site and then I saw the gun barrel targeted towards my chest just a few feet apart, he was so sure and determined to kill me in seconds, I didn't hesitate if that's what it takes for me to save my family, I closed my eyes and another gunshot cracked in the air and I could hear things, I opened my eyes I was on the ground and on top of me

"Jasmin" I whispered her name, I sat moved her aside to see her, she  looked in my eyes and a satisfactory smile formed on her lips

"Harry" she whispered and I tried to sit up, she was lying weakly on me and I realized she took the bullet that was meant for me, she dodged herself in front of me

"Jasmin, Oh Jas what did you do" I screamed and I sat down, her body was lying lifelessly in my lap, the bullet hit her chest she was bleeding, my heart stopped beating at the sight of her covered in blood, I tried to pressurize the wound to stop bleeding but my hands were shivering

"Harry" she lifted her hand to touch my cheek, I realized she was trying to wipe my tears "I love you" she whimpered and blood spit came out of her mouth

"HELP! NO! JASMIN STAY WITH ME" I shouted and medics team approached us

"Jasmin!!! No! I didn't mean to--" Rayyan tried to walk towards us but he was under arest, he was shivering too, screaming and crying.

"You have to stay with me Jas" I cried, medics team were trying to give her first aid but she was breathing heavily in my lap

"Nael, Anna,... You got this Harry" she whimpered in pain and more blood came out of her mouth, she recited kalma in broken tone before she went silent, no more whimpering

"No! I need you, they need you" I cried hugging her to my chest

"She's no more" one of the nurse said and I felt my world turned upside down

"NO! it can't be,.. Jas! Talk to me, Jasmin" I jolted her body but she didn't respond, her eyes were half open as if she was looking at me, and she would answer me, she would hug me and she would kiss me.

I don't know for how long I stayed there hugging her, her body was still warm, I could still feel her, I just wanted to go back in time to every moment whenever I kissed her, if I knew that I'd lose her today I would have kissed her longer in the morning.

I don't remember who closed her eyes, and when did rain start but I wanted to keep her warm, I couldn't hear anything or anyone else around me again, she was my everything.

SINCEREST [Part 2]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat