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Even though you can get your loved ones in confidence to love you back, forgive you and live a normal life with you like nothing happened, you don't really forgive yourself , when you get your hands in a dirty business once. I've forgotten what normal feels like anymore, working with Rayyan had me living with a fear that one day I might lose Alex, I just cant live and move forward whilst looking over my shoulder, cause I know he had me threatened to my very core, I know he won't stay calm and he won't let a pawn like me out of his game

"what are you doing Jamey Jamey, sleep with me" Alex opened her arms adorably in her half sleep, oh and little did she knew I had added the high dose of sedatives in her tea, for helping her to stay put, so that I can keep her safe, she ain't a problem for me for the next twenty four hours

"I'm trying to keep you safe Alex, I don't know if you'll remember all of this by tomorrow or not, but know that I love you and I'm doing all of this to make sure you're safe so that we can live a happy and normal life" I held her hand near my chest

"what are you talking.. a..about, I love you ..too" her tongue was swelling up and she was batting her eyes clueless at me, the high dose was kicking in really hard and she dozed off in no time. I got up and went outside in the living room

"you did a good job James, I'll reward you" Rayyan sat there like a bastard he was, in my living room chugging down the beer like he owns my home, but most importantly he acted like he owns me at the moment, which he did, I was a pawn in his bad act

"I'm a good person Rayyan, why do you want me to be involved in your bloody games?" I asked quietly, my voice breaking in between sentence

"you maybe a good person, but I'm not bad either, you want to protect your wife and I'm doing it for my love of life" Rayyan got up on his feet and walked towards me

"she doesn't even love you Rayyan, she's happy, what's the point of forcing someone to be in your life when she's clearly in love with her husband" I blurted out angrily

"oh no! honey! I won't leave any good reason for her to be happy again, if she's not mine, she's not his even" He shook my head and laughed like a maniac

"you're sick, I'd never even prefer to spit on you bastard" I shouted at the top of my lungs, ain't worrying about Alex's sleep, she was on dose

"oh you wanna see the bastard in me? Why don't you worry about my dogs, they'll watch your wife sleep here safely and you're coming with me" his three men dashed inside my home and stood there with smirks on their faces

"you promise me my wife's security, I'll come with you" I said gulping down

"you've got my word Rayyan" tapped my shoulder strongly and I went with him

I stayed up all night, worried, not having a clue of what Rayyan really wanted from Jasmin all I was asked for to bring Jasmin to Rayyan, I knew nothing else and I was promised to be set free. I was watching Alex over monitor in Rayyan's home, that bastard slept whole night and here my life was on the rocks, and I was questioning my existence, what if I was never a good person, what if I'm no better than Rayyan that's why I've been helping him and I'm being blackmailed by him, why I'm so scared of him why can't I tell the truth to harry, oh harry is a good person , why am I even doing this, how can I hurt harry, how can I betray everyone, will Alex forgive me?

"looks like you're obsessed with your wife, .. good morning" Rayyan interrupted my train of thoughts I lifted my chin up from the monitor to see his face, he was too cheery for a bastard who's about to ruin lives in a day

"I'm obsessed with my own wife, not anyone else's like you" I gritted my teeth

"good one" he laughed while pouring wine for two, he offered me the other one while placing it on the table and I looked at him in disgust

In that moment I realized that he kept me here all night so that I don't chicken out or inform anyone about his plans, I wanted to shove that wine bottle in his face

"I don't drink in the morning" I quietly said

"good thing Im in a good mood today, or else I would have been highly offended by this statement" he threw himself back on the couch in his bathrobe

"did she move at all whole night? Or you killed your own wife?" he kept his mouth opened as if expecting an answer I simply glared at him

"I mean just imagine, risking your life for what? Nothing if she's dead" he laughed and I threw the wine glass at the floor shattering it into pieces

"listen here you bloody wanker, I hope you die in the most painful possible way" I held his bathrobe and lifted him on his feet

"you son of a bitch, Id—"

"you'll what? You need me as much as I want to be free" I threw him back on the couch, his wine spilled all over his bathrobe, I too sat down quietly on the couch

"what is the next step?" I asked quietly

"relax up a little bit, looks like you didn't sleep last night, pour yourself some coffee or anything else you want, I'll tell you what to do next" Rayyan was shook I quietly got up to freshen myself up

"yes! I've texted her the exact address she'll be here" I talked on microphone with Rayyan, I was sitting in Alex's car and texting Jasmin from Alex's phone. Jasmin asked why this coffee shop because I knew it wasn't their regular one, I felt sorry for poor Jasmin

When I saw her car approaching the parking lot I got myself out of the car, but damn! Her bodyguard stepped outside first opening the door for her to step outside

"I hope a bodyguard wont be a problem" I talked on microphone and waved to Jasmin as she approached me

"Hi james! What are you doing here? I mean I thought it was me and Alex" Jasmin laughed confusingly

Of course you thought poor Jasmin

"yeah! I thought I should just tag along with you guys, I hope there's no problem in that" I laughed

"of course not, its great, if I knew I would have asked harry to come as well, you know double date" Jasmin said awkwardly simply trying to get the conversation going while walking towards the coffee shop

"he's watching the kids?" I asked knowingly to engage her in conversation to slower her steps

"yeah! Perks of having a thoughtful husband" she chuckled

I hope Alex thinks the same about me when she finds out everything

"uh- actually Alex is in that next store buying chocolates for you, she forgot her phone in the car thats why I'm here in the parking lot" I added too much irrelevant stuff to get her in my confidence to actually believe in my story

"uh-" she stopped in her steps confusingly

"wanna surprise her?" I smiled and of course she bought it

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