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I was left alone in a dark room, the only light that came inside the room through the tiny window was the lightening of the clouds, that scared me to my very core, I was missing Harry, I was frightened, I had not a single idea what was about to happen to me, and whether my family was safe or not, I was continuously sobbing sitting on the ground in the corner of the room, the door creaked opened and a person came in with the candle stand in his hand, it wasn't Rayyan

"Mam, you will have to come with me, Rayyan needs you" he said in a mannerly tone

"what do you mean need me?" I growled in my most possible deadly tone at the moment through tears

"he wants to talk to you" he added please come with me he stretched out a hand for me, I wanted to lash upon him, but I knew that he's just as manipulated in this act as James is, they're all equally enslaved to his dirty deeds but also equally condemnable, I quietly wiped my tears and got up without taking his hand I walked towards the door and he guided me towards a room, that was pretty lit up with candles

"I know how much you're scared of dark and lightening, so I called you here" Rayyan said while walking towards me, he cocked his head to side to hint his men to leave the room, they closed the door quietly and we were alone in the room.

"why am I here exactly?" I asked folding my arms sternly

"you still have no idea Jas?" he twirled the champagne bottle on the table, I noticed a feeble couch behind the table and two glasses on the table and various broken chairs in the room

"enough of your dirty mind games, just tell me what do you want? Do you want cash?" I asked and he burst into maniac laugh, which I always hated, he laughed so hard that he bend down on his knees and then stood straight, his face went red because of laughing so hard

"answer me you fucking bastard" I shouted and he stopped laughing

"oh baby girl, since when did you start using bad words?" he said in a teasing tone and stepped forward, he tried to touch my cheek I slapped his hand away from me, he made a fist in the air and he turn around in annoyance

"why do you keep recoiling at my touch?" he came forward again and growled at my face, I slapped him he placed a hand on his cheek and stared into my soul with his angry eyes

"because I'm disgusted by you, I could never ever love you Rayyan keep this bloody information in your dickhead" I growled in his face, at that moment I realized I wasn't scared of him, I was angry at him and I was protecting my family, motherhood made me stronger

"love me?" Rayyan whimpered and looked in my eyes for silent couple of seconds, and eventually burst into laughing again

"you're fucking high on your hopes Rayyan" I stated and he squeezed my face with the painful grip and stared deadly in my eyes

"I'm aware of the fact that you would never love me, and also that you would never accept me ever again, because of the thorn in my path, that is your beloved husband, I'm gonna get rid of that bloody thorn, and I will destroy you in the most possible way, you would be shattered into million pieces, if you're not mine, you're not his either" he loosened the grip around my face and slightly rubbed the back of his hand on my cheek and whispered "I will kill Harry, you're just a pawn who'll draw him here"

I pushed him back and I screamed, I picked up the champagne bottle and cracked it on his head, his head started bleeding, when he screamed his men dashed inside the room and held my arms in control, and he covered his wound with his hand, that his hand got covered in blood

"there's no better way of celebrating a good start than opening a bottle of fucking champagne" he laughed like a maniac holding his head and walked towards the door "Tie her here" he shouted before leaving the room

"Nooo!" I screamed when his men made me sit on one fine chair and tie me with rope in mere seconds and they left me there alone


"Liam says Alex finally opened the door, he's inside her home" Niall informed as louis drove us to Alex's home

"hey! She will be alright, just keep calm" Louis said as we reached Alex's home, I stepped outside before Louis could even park the car, I dashed inside Alex's home Liam and Alex were sitting on the couch, she was holding the ice bag on her temples and Liam was comforting her shoulders

"where's your husband?" I lifted Alex up with her arms and she looked at me through her puffy eyes, her eyes were flashed with the blood red color, her dark circles told a different story

"I don't know Harold" she whimpered and her body felt lifeless in my hands, I felt bad for shouting at her like that, I left her and she sat down on the couch again

"what the fuck?" Louis picked up the Xanax vile from the table which was empty

"how are you not dead?" Niall said and Alex was dizzying down in Liam's lap

"James gave her high dose" Liam told comforting Alex

"give her some water" I said while holding my temples

"Jas" Alex whimpered her name and my eyes filled with tears, she wasn't even in the conscious state but she was calling Jasmin's name

"we have no sign of James" Bob said searching out around the home

"she's sobering up now" Niall told me when I was standing at the front door and I rushed towards her

"do you have any idea where they would have taken her?" I asked her, and her eyes were wide opened at my question

"Jas? They took her?" Alex asked again, she was sobering up now and absorbing the information

"they have my Jas, please anything, any information you have about James' work" I knelt down and held her hands

"he had a box where he kept his papers, I don't know where he hid it again, it wasn't there when I checked last time" she said clueless about her surroundings, everything was driving me insane that moment

"Guys!" Niall called us from Alex's bedroom, and when we rushed inside there was something handwritten on the wall in small writing, I went closer to have a clearer look and it said

"I see you are here, you really want to save your wife, come alone at this following address...., and don't inform the police if you don't want any trouble"

"I am going, I don't want any more trouble for Jas, I will go alone" I said going outside, I picked up the keys to Louis' car and went outside

"you can't go alone Harry, it's clearly a trap for you" Liam said

"I'm coming with you" Louis said and he went towards the car before me

"I have James car, we're also coming" Alex said and she picked up the car keys and handed over them to Niall

"and no matter what that bloody note says, we have to inform the police" Liam said and before I could say anything, I agreed with him and said nothing

"oh Lord! Protect my Jas" I silently prayed in my heart

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