26 2 3

After the baby shower we engaged ourselves to the work, we arranged the lacking records in our spare days. Lads were working day and night to cover up the lacking schedule and the late nights resulted staying in the studio

After some days of our baby shower, it was fine morning when I woke up I went to the kitchen to make myself the morning coffee, everyone else was still sleeping. I heard some soft whimpering sound when I was taking sip of my coffee, I Ignored at first assuming my ears must be buzzing, but I heard the soft whimpers again from the main door, I quickly paced towards the door and gulped down before opening the door. A box was placed on the main door with the ribbon tied on it, the soft whimpers were coming from inside of the box. I was scared to open the box first but I brought it inside the studio it was light weighted box.

"Jas?" Harry was standing there with his puffy eyes and ruffled messy hair and was totally surprised to see a box

"I assume its a gift maybe" I shrugged and we both knelt down to open the box, when it was opened two golden retriever puppies were hugging each other, totally scared.

"Harold!" I was confused with the mixed feelings, I took them out and hugged them in awe to soothe them

"who sent these?" I was still in shock to see beautiful bundles of love in front of me like this

"here's a letter as well" Harry took out the letter from the box as I was busy in hugging them both

"it says, congratulations Jasmin on your babies, sorry I couldn't make to send your gift on your shower but I hope you loved these, cause you always did, from your..." Harry stopped and frowned and gave me a weak smile

"from?" I said wanting him to continue

"from your Ray" he said while folding it back and placing it inside the box again

"so what are we supposed to do now?" I asked after some of the silent minutes and he frowned at me

"these are yours, you can keep them harry smiled at me" and I was bewildered for a while, whether to keep them or not, I wasn't cruel enough to abandon the little things, and my ovaries were already crying to hug them my heart wasn't ready to let them go or return it to Rayyan in any possible way

"Jas?" Harry laughed when I was constantly looking at the puppies and couldn't make any decision

"if we keep them it means we are just forgiving Rayyan?" I frowned and harry cupped my cheeks

"no! he knows that his sin isn't forgivable, but since you found these puppies on your door step it means these are yours and you can keep them" he kissed my forehead and I smiled

"what did I do to deserve a lovely husband" I looked into his eyes with love and he kissed me with a smile

"they must be hungry" he smiled with the dimple popping on his cheek while picking up one puppy and I picked up the other and we went to kitchen

"what are we even going to name them?" Harry asked while eating cereal and when we actually fed them biscuits temporarily

"its the time for you both to decide name for your babies not puppies" Alex said while sitting on the breakfast table

"you gotta think four names" now Louis laughed

"I guess we should help them and name these puppies" Niall said

"thank you Niall" I sighed leaning back to the chair

"you know I'm already tired, how am I supposed to do this with my babies?" I almost cried and everyone laughed

"you'll have extra energy when you'll hold you babies in your arms" Alex softly smiled and I was so into her words but Louis interrupted the moment

"and how many times did you exactly felt that energy Alex?" Louis laughed

"this one is girl" we heard Liam when he was examining the puppies, he was lifting one totally upside down in an embarrassing position and the little thing was yelping

"stop harassing her" Niall snatched the puppy from Liam and placed it carefully on the floor,

"then the other must be boy" Louis said while looking at the other one

"just look at them" Harry whispered while laughing from where we both were sitting on the breakfast table looking at all of them sitting on the ground totally engaged with the puppies

"come here Jessy, we'll ditch Jasper today" Niall picked up the girl and kissed its neck

"that's not fair, you named both of them" Alex squealed and hit his arm and he just laughed shrugging his shoulder just to annoy Alex

"I love both of the names" I said and Alex rolled her eyes and looked at me

"I didn't got to name these pups, but I'm definitely going to name my niece and nephew alright!" that wasn't any suggestion but an order actually from Alex

"these pups just brought life to the studio, I think we should keep them here" I suggested and harry couldn't be more happier

"what an incredible idea, and I guess we needed them, look everyone is relaxed now" Harry said while grabbing my hand and rubbing it gently, I just looked down at our hands and he knew I was bewildered

"don't overthink, its fine, you're safe" Harry kissed my hands and whispered and I nodded, I just didn't want to bother him in any other possible way. And because it was the time I must be concerned about my health I smiled assuring him that I indeed feel safe beside him

"I love you Harry" I mumbled kissing the side of his cheek

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