[12 - Tweek Tweak]

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"When will my stone get power back?!" I whined and squirmed, my mother frowning as she tried to use her magic to speed things up.

"Soon sweetie. Dad is getting another stone as we speak just in case. I think this one may just be wearing out, hun..." My Mom hummed,"It is a few Millenia old..."

I whined and bit my fangs down harshly on my pillow in pain. My scales were digging into me.

I bet you're like "but Tweek! If you're a Siren, shouldn't you be used to these by now?! :v"

Yeah, I should. Also how did you say :v??


Uh, anyway, the answer is simple.


Yeah. Sirens go through it too. I'm at the end of it, so now my powers are gonna be stronger and my scales more prominent, bigger, harder, and more Vibrant. They're colors are turning almost like Multi-chrome nail powders you see on Instagram. Don't ask how I know. It's cool to see nail art. But that's the best way to describe it. Multi-chrome between green, blue, pink and purple. Yeah. It's an odd color selection even for Sirens.

The good thing is that my pain is starting to go away. It's been about a week since this started, so it's got a cool-down Time now. All the pain is now in my chest and stomach. It's like someone stabbing you a billion times while on your period. And before you ask the embarrassing story behind how I know is that at one point I turned into a girl via magic and got stuck on my period with shitty ass cramps. Gotta love Siren magic! But regardless, imagine those cramps, plus all that stabbing and maybe like the pressure of an elephant on your chest and there you go. Don't get me started on the pain when it was on my claws and legs. That was unbearable.

"Okay, I've sped it up a little. You can't use it now, though." She said softly.

"Eh-?! Why?!"

"Because the pain has to stop first." She sighed,"If you put it on and use it, it's gonna have defects."

"Fine!" I whimpered and cling onto my pillow, growling in pain.

"Sweetheart, I wanna talk to you."

"Y-Yeah?" I looked at her, biting my lip again.

"When are you going to tell that boy? The one you like?"

I froze up,"I-I can't tell him how much of a freak I am! He'll -HNG- Freak more than me!" I clutched onto myself in pain. Ouc h.

"Sweetheart, I can tell you right now that's not going to happen. Besides, it has to be said at some point. He has to know if you ever want your relationship to grow—"

"Maybe I don't want it to!" I hissed.

"Why wouldn't you?" My Mom frowned and I hesitantly sat up, wincing in pain from the scales.

"He's human. I'm going to outlive him." I sighed,"I-If that happens... I don't want to live with that. And he's probably straight, and if I elongate his lifespan for nothing, he'll be in as much hell as I would be." I whined.

"He's not..." My Mom started but crossed her arms with a sigh,"Then you've got to tell him."

"What?! Hell no!" I yelled out, holding onto my pillow more.

"Then I guess you don't want your stone." She swiftly snatched my necklace and put it in the pocket of her shirt.

"No! Don't take it away!" I yelled out but winced in pain.

"Then promise me you're going to tell that boy the truth!"

"I will at -HnG- some point!"

"Some point is not good enough!" She huffed,"So I'll be keeping this until you tell me you'll tell him~." She hummed.

I whined and held onto my stomach, growling softly,"F-Fine, I promise."

"And I'll be using my magic to make sure you do."

"Fine!" I yelled out and groaned.

"Good. But I'll keep this away from you until your pain subsides, Okay? I'll keep trying to charge it until then."

"Fineeeee." I whined again, at this point just wanting her to leave. When she did I buried my face in my pillow and looked at my scales.

Green and blue.

I slowly moved my arm and watched the colors change between themselves.

Green and blue, pink and purple, blue and purple, green and blue...

I've never seen scales like these... so what the fuck? I've lived with other sirens before and I've never seen anything like this. I know that the scales reflect you and your soulmate or whatever bullshit like that. I don't believe in soulmates, never really have. But if it were true, what kind of soulmate do I have where it's like this?

Fuck me.

I need to ask about that later...

I looked at my scales and my claws. I stretched out my hands and watched my claws extend and the scales on my arms lift up as I did so. They've never done that before...

I worry. What if he rejects me outright even just as a friend? What if he tells everyone as a freak? That's... That's more stressful than I'd like to admit...

Again, I shouldn't even be concerned about what a goddamn human thinks of me anyway.

But, then again... I am. Mainly because of my family. If the town found out, we'd get sent out. Again.

We already used the last of our money to move and get that stupid coffee shop going again. And it was my fault we had to move anyway. It was my fault we left our original home too.

So we have nowhere to go, and my Mom wants me to risk it all on some guy. Yeahhhh totally not some fucking sappy romance movie.

I sighed and held my pillow tighter as I moved and played with my scales to distract myself from the pain.

As I thought about it, Maybe I should? I think I will... just to get it off my chest. If he doesn't accept to me, I guess it's sad shit for me. If things do go sour then I guess there's always the ocean to run to.

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