Nerves and New beginings

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" to be completely honest with you Austin, I'm a bit nervous to be performing again. It's not that I don't want to, it's just I'm nervous.. you know it's been awhile, I'm a bit rusty.. and"

Ava looks at her mother curiously but then smiles at her with her two teeth showing

" you're right, I can't tell him that. Daddy is really excited about this mini performance, I am too, but I'm a bit nervous.."  Ally mentions " I'm speaking to a nine month old, what has my life come too"

She takes Ava by her little hands so she could stand on her feet " arrggg why am I so nervous kid?"

" miss Dawson" she heard a voice

" oh Austin" she said

" anyways there's my girl."  He quickly picks up his daughter

Ally twirls around the charm bracelet that Austin and Ava gave her for Mother's Day.

While Austin tossed Ava up into the air smiling at her as her giggles increased

" So Alls.." He said " what's wrong?"

" nothing." She smiled at him

He smiled "is it because I'm giving her more attention than you?"

" get over yourself" she said chuckling " I'm gonna go out for a bit. Can you watch her"

" uh how about we all go out together it's such a nice day take the baby to the park she loves so much .." he said

She shook her head " I kinda wanna be alone"

" um okay.. we'll wait for you to come back then right Ava?" He asked

Ava shook her head and smiled

" no say yes" Austin nodded his head

She again shook her head

" we'll work on that" he said
She drove down the highway..

Why was she nervous? To sing again?

It's only been a year since they had their last live show. Since they announced a hiatus due to her getting pregnant.

Even though her and Austin had prepared for this upcoming night the fifth of July which was just a couple of days from now. Ava would also be 10 months old that day.
" say dadada!" Austin said " please?"

Ava shakes her head

" oh now you know when to shake your head" he said

She shakes her head rapidly while smiling

" hahaha you're a cutie, looking more and more like mom everyday" he said

Ava began making out sounds to try and imitate her father

" speaking of mom, are you excited to see us perform? It's our first performance since having you, are you excited Avie?" He smiled

She smiled

" yay!!!" He clapped

She clapped too

" yes yay!!!" He smiled at her

" ahhhhhh" She babbled

" you wanna perform with us too?" He asked

" ahhahahaahahaha" She scooted her self

" damn you're growing up so fast!" He said

She grinned and shook her head

" you mean yes" he said " you need to crawl already..."

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