I'll see you tomorrow

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   Tom had made a deal with his father before he passed and that was to keep the red army alive. Paul and Pat were there but he was the leader that just lives at home. He didn't do much with the army, his family was more of a focus lately but today, he needed them more than ever.
He had called his grandfathers for an emergency jet to get Teddy. Even though he did not like the army, he will admit, he'd prefer  the base's ER than any other. The staff was well trained and were in medical school for years. They work fast and they hadn't lost a patient in 40 years. That's pretty damn good.

The old men arrived five minutes after the phone call. Torm carried his daughter to the jet while medd decided to stay home. He has a light stomach and he will not be able to witness if anything happens to his daughter. Torm didn't blame him, he now knew how his fathers felt when he got new eyes. His papa's eyes. God he treated them like they were the most important things on earth. He never looked directly at the sun, any light and won't open his eyes under water. He loved them.

The flight was busy. Paul sent the jet that has a mini ER. Really, it just has gauze, peroxide, band aids, thermometers, medicines and oxygen tanks. They got her to breathe but she hasn't been able to do it on her own just yet but Torm hoped.


Teddy was revived and could breathe on her own. Torm wanted to keep her at the base over night to make sure she is stable.

When he stepped out of the room to call medd, he heard teddy talking. He shrugged, probably just an imaginary friend. Or so he thought. He never knew that five little words could bring him so much fear.

"I'll see you tomorrow grandpa."

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