Welcome back Ridgewell's

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There they were. Thomas and Tord Ridgewell. Just like before but younger. Tom looked built and healthy and Tord looked so cuddly.

"Torm! My first child come here!"

Torm hesitated but quickly embraced his fathers in a hug. He looked over their shoulder and saw two little ones, around the age of 8. He knew them. Those were his sisters. His baby sisters. Alive. Healthy. This was his family. This was all real but not. It couldn't be.

"Is it really you? My parents? My sisters?"

Tord nodded and rubbed his taller son's cheek, "yes torm. We're here. All of us."

Torm was slowly processing it all but he looked at tord and saw the all so familiar bruises. This was their beating ages. Torm was triggered but now happy that he can do what he's been wanting to do since he was 3.

He punched Tom. And he went flying.

"Torm!" Yelled Medd. Oh dear husband. If only you knew.

"I cannot believe you could have ever hit my father and lived with yourself for it." He yelled to tom. It felt so good to do that. He helped tom up to his feet and hugged him. It was his papa. His dead papa. Alive.

He released his papa and knelt to his sisters. Two young, beautiful, innocent lives that were taken were now here and torm was for sure not gonna let them go again.

"Sisters. My favorite people, other than my husband and daughter, you're here. You're safe. God I missed you."

They stayed silent as usual but smiled and hugged their big brother.

Teddy ran into the kitchen and into her daddy's (Medd) arms. This was a lot. She was confused with the people in her house. She saw them in heaven. Why were they here?

"Teddy bear, this is your grandpa Tord , grandpapa Tom, Aunt Heart and Aunt Bella." Medd told her. He was happy to see them here and to see Torm happy. It has been months.

Welcome back Ridgewell's

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