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Torm didn't sleep. He stayed awake all night and watched Teddy.What did she mean? Was she gonna die? Did she know? Does she even remember her grandparents? So many questions and not a single answer.

She made it through the night. She was completely fine and was sent home. In the car, Torm decided to ask her.

"Honey who were you talking to last night?"

"No one"

"I heard you say something about your grandpa? Are you alexis sweetie?"

"Oh that? Yes papa, im just excited"

Torm pulled up to the house and got out. He got Teddy out and carried her inside.

Medd was talking to someone in the kitchen sounding a bit shooken up. Torm put down his daughter down and went to the kitchen.

"Medd who are you talking to-?"

Torm froze to the sight in the kitchen


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