I love you Pappa

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Torm has fallen apart. Two weeks ago, the love of his life left him. He pretends he's ok around the girls and his dad but Tord knew something was seriously wrong.

The house temperature was 74. Fairly warm but Torm had long sleeves of black on and he had medication as close to him as possible all day. Tord could hear crying in the bathroom when Torm would shower and his heart would shatter.

But Torm was glued to his daughter, it was the only peice of Medd he had left.

"Daddy, I want to go play outside with Maria!"

"Okay lets go."

Torm would sit outside watching his daughter and neighbor's daughter play and that is exactly where he is now.

Tord looked out the window after getting his daughter's dressed for the day and saw Torm watching Teddy and her friend play. Tord sighed and poked his head out the front door.

"Torm, can you come here for a minute?"

"Yea, sure dad. Teddy Bear lets go inside-"

"Teddy baby you keep playing, we'll be right back just dont pass the sidewalk!" Tord interrupted and pulled his son inside.

"Dad she can't be out alone! What if she gets kidnapped or hit by a car or a zombie eats here!?"

"Oh Torm, be realistic. Who kidnaps children these days?"

Torm sighed in defeat but kept checking out the window on his princess.

Tord placed a hand on his oldests' cheek, "Sweetheart, what's going on? You're acting like a dog to a bone with Teddy ever since Medd left."

"...I just miss him. I want my husband back..I loved him ever since I was a kid dad!...he was literally the love of my life.."

Tord was speechless. He didn't know how to handle this. He had never been in Torm's situation- BUT TOM HAS!

"Tormy baby, go to your father and talk to him, he knows what you're going through."

Torm nodded and went upstairs to the guest room where his dad's slept.

"S-sir..? Can I talk to you..?"

"Come in kiddo"

Torm walked in and saw his father sitting on the bed. Tom patted the bed next to him, indicating Torm to sit. And he did.

"What's up?"


Tom sighed and knew that this was about Medd.

"Listen kid. You're young and got a little girl to raise. Medd made a big mistake leaving you but he'll come back. He just found out his father's died and he didn't know how to react. Don't fall apart and do not give up on Teddy. I saw the papers."

Torm shook his head, "I don't even know why I got those. I'm just not the 'mother' parent, Medd is."

"But you're learning! You make dinner, you keep teddy clean and have good hygiene, you make sure her homework is done. You're doing great as a single parent. I'm proud of you."

"Wow. I don't think you have ever said that to me before in my life.." was Torm smiled, "thank you sir-"

"No, Pappa."

Torm looked at him dumbfounded.

"I will always be your pappa."

Torm hugged his pappa tightly and started to tear up. Tom rubbed his son's back soothingly and Torm started falling asleep.

"I love you Pappa"

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