IRL #2 • 14

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Taehyung shook his head in disbelief after replaying the voice message for the third time.

"Hey sexy! Get over hereeee! I showed him your picture and they wanna piece of dat ass!" The rest of the message was followed by kissing noises, as if Jungkook was kissing the phone, which Taehyung had no doubt he was doing.

The boy grabbed his jacket and ran out of the house, making sure he didn't wake anyone. If his mom found out, he'd be toast.

Taehyung got into his car, driving out of the gates of his home and onto the main road. If he remembered correctly, Michael's house was a ten minute drive from his. He also remembered the boy had a purple door, which should aid him in finding the right house.

After a few wrong turns, Taehyung finally located the right house with the purple door. He got out of his car, running up to the door and knocking loudly. He knew the boys were on the roof meaning they probably wouldn't hear him.

To Taehyung's surprise, the door opened a minute later, to none other than Michael himself.

"Good thing you're here, your boyfriend's asleep." Michael laughed, his pupils dilated so much he looked like he was about to give birth through his iris.

"He's not my- where is he?" Taehyung didn't fancy arguing with someone who probably wouldn't remember any of it in the morning.

"Roof." Michael just huffed, Taehyung running up the staircase.

He managed to make it to the roof quickly, and once he did the first thing he set eyes on was a fast asleep Jungkook on a lawn chair.

"Jungkook." Taehyung called out as he walked towards the boy.

He didn't expect him to answer, it would probably take a lot of shaking and a cup of water to revive the drugged teen. Taehyung shook him a bit, but furrowed his brows when Jungkook didn't even stir.

The elder placed his pointer finger beneath Jungkook's nose, feeling for breaths.

"Shit." Taehyung mumbled to himself. "What did you guys give him?" The boy turned to the rest of the group.

"Relax, it was nothing he hasn't had before." One of the guys huffed, going back to their music.

"He's unconscious and barely breathing, tell me what you gave him." Taehyung was starting to get angry.

"I don't pop n' tell, sorry." The guy shrugged.

"Well I guess I'll just have to tell the police that you guys gave a minor an illegal unknown substance." Taehyung shrugged.

"A minor? He's 21." The guy defended.

"Don't think so. He's 17." Taehyung corrected the confused guy.

"Shit, seriously?" The guy began to laugh, but there was also worry on his face.

"Tell me what you gave him otherwise I'll bust your whole drug scheme. Don't even try threaten me, my dad's a lawyer and could have you in jail for walking on the wrong side of the footpath if he wanted to." Taehyung was stern.

"Fine, we gave him some E mixed with cannabis oil. He also had a few beers, a joint I think.." The guy was clearly trying hard to recall.

"Thank you. Now help me get him to my car." Taehyung said, lifting Jungkook and almost dropping him, if it weren't for the two guys who ran up and helped.

The nameless strangers aided Taehyung in carrying Jungkook to his car, lying him on the back seat. After a brief thank you, they went back upstairs.

Taehyung then checked the boy's breathing again, it was stronger than before.

"You look like you'll be fine, no serious damage." Taehyung said to Jungkook, even though he was still unconscious.

It then dawned on him that he had no idea where Jungkook lived.

He'd have to bring him back to his house.

I rlly hate actual writing :( this book is supposed to be like all texts so I'll try keep it that way

pickles // vkook (DISCONTINUED)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora