IRL #3 • 15

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Jungkook woke up estranged and confused, limbs feeling heavy and eyes feeling droopy. He looked around, noticing he was lying on an unfamiliar bed in an unfamiliar room. The many questions of where he was and whom he was with were answered when a familiar red head came into the room in a t shirt and shorts, a towel rubbing his hair.

"Oh." Jungkook croaked out, feeling quite dehydrated.

"You're awake." Taehyung observed quite obviously, dropping his towel on the floor to go to the bedside table. "Here's some water."

Slowly but surely Jungkook sat up, at least enough to drink the glass of water he had been given. He immediately felt his body replenish, and he licked his dry lips twice over.

Still in a state of confusion, the boy looked around the room. It was fairly large; he was laid on a king size bed with what felt like silk sheets, the curtains matching the deep red colour of the bed sheets. There was a TV on the wall opposite, and a bedside table beside him. On the left side of the room, near the door, there was a desk with shelves around it, with things such as vinyls, dvds, and random Knick knacks littering the shelves. Overall, the room looked very nice.

"This is your room?" Jungkook asked.

"Yeah." Taehyung chuckled nervously. "I would've let you stay in the guest room but I was kind of afraid you'd stop breathing or my parents would find you in the middle of the night."

"Your parents don't know I'm here?" Jungkook's eyes widened.

"No, but you can escape from the balcony. That's how I sneak out." Taehyung gestures to the deep red curtains, which presumably had a balcony behind them.

"Oh, right. Thanks." Jungkook nodded, before taking a whiff. "Oh god I reek of beer and weed." The boy groaned.

"I have some old sweats and a t shirt if you want." Taehyung shrugged.

"Please." The boy said, finally feeling able to sit up properly.

Taehyung opened another door beside where his tv was, walking in and coming back out with the aforementioned clothes.

"Thank you." Jungkook smiled gratefully, slipping the clothes on. The t shirt was a little tight around the bicep area, and the tracksuit bottoms were kind of tight in general, but it was good enough to go home in.

Jungkook glanced at the time on the boy's clock on the wall, seeing it was almost midday.

"I better get going before my mom notices I wasn't home, thanks for all this." Jungkook said, walking over to the curtains.

"No problem." Taehyung walked towards the curtains too, unlocking the balcony door for the boy and swinging it open.

Jungkook hadn't expected the balcony to be so large; the mini hot tub definitely threw him off guard, as did the potted plants and deck chairs. The boy looked around before being directed to the edge of the balcony, where there was a ladder propped up against the railings. Taehyung explained that the family had once hired a painter to paint the railings, and Taehyung paid the guy to keep the ladder there. You could only notice the ladder if you actually went outside into the back garden, which his parents rarely did.

Jungkook climbed down briefly and with ease, planting two feet on the ground. Taehyung followed, bringing the younger around to the side of the house, where the bushes were trimmed just the smallest bit shorter which created a narrow pathway along the side of the house. The two walked along it, walking down to the gates where Taehyung pressed the button to open them, letting Jungkook leave briefly.

Jungkook began his walk home, as he hadn't driven to Michael's, shocked that he had just slept at taehyung's house, and snook out a mere ten hours after almost dying.


how was your day? just found out I'm going to a concert in September!

I really hate writing IRLs there shouldn't be any more any time soon

Help it's 3:20 am and I've to be up at 9

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