Letter #12

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That car ride to the robotics competition was not awkward at all. In fact, it was fun. When we picked you up from your house at 6:30 in the morning, your mom was waiting outside in the cold with you. She must be really sweet. I was listening to my music through my earbuds when we picked you up, and I was obnoxiously singing the lyrics to a Japanese song out loud in order to prevent any awkward silence. I know, such weird solutions I have when under pressure. But you knew the song I was singing, so you weren't weirded out at all. I was a little disappointed when you put your own headphones on to listen to your own music during the drive. But then you suddenly gave my brother the headphones so he could listen to your songs instead. I became excited when you gave me your tablet to show me what kind of songs you have, and so I could choose the songs my brother would listen to.
Because I was sitting right behind you in the car, I kind of awkwardly leaned forward so I could talk to you. I noticed that you have some of the same songs that were in my phone, including a song from a Korean drama I had recently watched. When my brother was asleep, you tried to remove the headphones from him, and I was just quietly laughing at your attempt to not wake him up. In the end, he did wake up, and your desperate apology to him warmed my heart a little bit. I then offered my brother to share my earbuds with him, but he didn't want to because my music consisted of anime soundtracks as well as Korean drama soundtracks and songs. And then I offered to share my earbuds with you. This was probably my biggest act of courage. I didn't know what you were thinking, but I, on the other hand, was trying to contain my excitement. When we were discussing each song, I couldn't help but feel really happy that you, of all people, knew exactly what I was talking about. My heart practically exploded when you started singing to the instrumental version of one of the Korean songs. And every time we would talk, you would turn around so you could face me, and I could see you smiling at me.
And when we were waiting to get breakfast, of course the earbuds fell out since we had to get out of the car. However, I wanted to show you one last song. I held out an earbud for you to put in your ear, but instead you bent down so I could be the one to put it in your ear. I apologized for my cold fingers. When we arrived to the location of the competition, you thanked me for letting you listen to my music. No, I want to thank you for being so kind and letting me do that. Today was a good day.

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