Letter #27

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You didn't say anything about my new appearance. You weren't affected by it at all. I was slightly disappointed, but not completely surprised either. You were wearing a different jacket today. It looked cute. It was really funny when you started helping me with my pre-calculus homework while talking with your mouth full of food. I felt special when you continued to talk to me although the Key Club meeting was still going on. Your smile is so cute, I missed it so much. When the meeting left, you said to me "see you later." Those three words struck me as I was thinking how you would want to see me again. However, when? We don't see each other every day anymore. When I asked you when I would ever be able to see you again, all you did was pause for a moment, formed a slight smile, and simply said "I don't know." You proceeded to wave goodbye with a grin on your face.

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